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Lisa and Alana Macfarlane (aka The Mac Twins), two of the UK's hottest young media stars, are identical twin female personalities who are known as Djs, music makers, radio and TV presenters with personality, intelligence and wit to bring any audience alive.
Since their live performance as Dj's at the 2012 Olympic Torch Relay the twins have performed and presented at a range of live shows and events including BBC radio, BBC news, Channel 4 and ITV as well as Wireless Festival and Radio 1’s Big Weekend amongst other festivals. They write for Huffington Post, the Evening News and Standard Issue. They have Dj’d across Europe including live gig’s for the Strictly Come Dancing wrap party at Wembley, exclusive clubs such as London’s Whisky Mist and Versus Club, the largest in Europe and for brands like Tia Maria, Armani and Coca Cola.
The twins are mirror reflections of each other. They share: their mother’s womb, the same face, and now their career but they couldn't be more opposite. In fact, it’s playing with that creative tension that makes them unique. Alana and Lisa are focusing on projects that illuminate their individual voices, and do the same for their audiences too. They are on the same path, but telling their own stories, playing their own Dj songs, mashing up their own music tracks, living their own lives but doing it together, because it’s better. And it’s more fun.
Battling and embracing the Opposite – sometimes a challenge --- but what a win. No compromise living.
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