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Singer, songwriter, artist and writer.
Tilley Milburn is a singer, songwriter, artist and writer. She is an artist at Heart n Soul, an award-winning creative arts company who believes in the power and talents of people with learning disabilities. Her best friend is Del, a beautiful pink stuffed pig whom she discovered in Clinton Cards in Kent and they always perform together. Tilley loves pigs and has explored her passion for them as an artist.
She works in a variety of art forms to express herself. She has collaborated with artist Ben Connors to produce comics for counter culture magazine Strike. They have also worked with the National Autistic Society producing a comic strip for their national campaign, Too Much Information.
Tilley continues to develop her piece Puffing and Wooling, which focuses on rest, relaxation and being in the moment. Working in collaboration with artist Catherine Dunne, she has performed it at a number of events including the Buzzcut Festival in Glasgow and Heart n Soul’s Beautiful Octopus Club Festival.
Outside of Heart n Soul, Tilley is a Creative Evaluator for Making Routes, a creative arts project for young people in collaboration with Battersea Arts Centre, South London Gallery and Oasis Children’s Venture. She is also involved in the Human Library project at the Wellcome Collection.