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Associate Director at independent health charity, the Health Foundation
Tim Horton joined the Health Foundation in December 2015 as an Associate Director. His role is focussed on identifying and communicating the insights and learning from the Health Foundation’s programmes, as well as supporting the spread of healthcare innovation and improvement.
From 2011 to 2015, Tim was health policy adviser to the Leader of the Opposition, the Rt Hon Ed Miliband MP, and Head of Public Services at the Labour Party. He also convened the independent Taskforce on Mental Health in Society, whose report The Mentally Healthy Society was published in January 2015. Prior to this, Tim was Research Director at the Fabian Society, where he published research in several areas of social and economic policy. In 2005 he was a special adviser at the Department of Trade & Industry and prior to that a policy adviser on science and innovation policy at HM Treasury.