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Course Director at Media Training Associates and former Money Programme BBC TV reporter
Tom Maddocks is a former TV and radio journalist and presenter. He was a reporter on BBC2’s The Money Programme for several years, as well as working on Channel 4 TV, and Radios 4 and 5 live.
A few years ago he set up Media Training Associates, which through intensive coaching sessions helps people to get the most out of media interviews and presentations. He has worked with everyone from senior bankers and large corporations to film actors and musicians.
More recently Tom did his best to put down everything he has gleaned about the subject over the years in his book The M-Factor - media confidence for business leaders and managers’, but he still says there is no substitute for practice to get it right when you are interviewed on radio or television.
When Tom is not working he is often to be found walking in the Lake District, or at least dreaming about it.
Do you have info to share with HuffPost reporters? Here’s how.