
Tracey Strudwick

Nutritional Therapist at Nuffield Health

Tracey Strudwick Bsc (Hons) Nutritional Therapy, Dip BCNH, mBANT, CNHC trained in Nutritional Therapy at the British College of Nutritional Health and Greenwich University. In her practice, she offers nutritional advice on all aspects of health and wellbeing, including digestive and heart health, weight management and sports nutrition, as well as support for long-term conditions such as arthritis and diabetes. She assesses individual nutritional needs and advises on the best possible diet to help someone realise their health potential, manage health conditions and reach their optimum weight. After a successful career in publishing, Tracey was delighted to be able to follow her passion for food, health and fitness, and still writes regularly for several magazines and websites. In her spare time, Tracey loves triathlon, yoga, walking her dog, going to the beach, and cooking.

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