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News journalist and debut author of THE POMEGRANATE TREE (Blanket Press), which publishes this month and is the first children's book about extremism
Vanessa Altin is a hard news journalist-turned-author. Her debut novel, THE POMEGRANATE TREE (£9.99, Blanket Press) launches this month and is the first children's book about extremism and the Syrian crisis.
Vanessa splits her time between the UK and Turkey with her Kurdish husband and two daughters.
Vanessa has reported widely on the atrocities in Syria and particularly on the swathes of refugees on the Syrian/Turkish border. Vanessa was so moved during a recent trip, she launched a social media campaign to raise money for the children of a Kurdish refugee camp, many of whom are orphaned and have witnessed unimaginable horror. In just 48 hours she had raised thousands of pounds, which went towards truckloads of clothes, toys, pens and paper, basic items to make the lives of these children more bearable.
These children inspired Vanessa to write The Pomegranate Tree. She feels it is time they had a voice.