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Student, activist and president of human rights organisation One Day Seyoum.
Vanessa Berhe is a 19 year-old Eritrean, born and raised in Sweden and currently studying in the US. In 2013, she founded the organisation One Day Seyoum to raise awareness about the lack of press freedom in Eritrea and put pressure on the Eritrean government to release all the unjustly imprisoned journalists in the country. The organization carries the name of her uncle journalist Seyoum Tsehaye, who was imprisoned in 2001 without a proper trial. She also founded the Free Eritrea Campaign that works to lift up some of the most pressing issues affecting the Eritrean people right now. Migration, intersectional feminism and global development are subjects she is passionate about. Leymah Gbowee, her uncle and Olivia Pope are people she admire.
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