
Verity Marriott

History Student at the University of Exeter, interested in History (Of course!), Politics, Culture, Feminism and a somewhat peculiar fascination with Bob Dylan

I am currently in my first year of studying History at the University of Exeter. My areas of interest currently include the American Civil War and basically anything to do with the Cold War! I come from a very political family so from a young age I've always been encouraged to have an opinion on just about everything; whether this is a good or a bad thing time will have to reveal! Nevertheless I do enjoy some quieter things in life; I adore a good book, a piece of remarkable artwork and a gripping theatre production. I'm very much of the opinion that we should make time to argue and involve ourselves in society and life, and also make time to sit back and look at other people's interpretation of society and life. Then, with the remaining time I have left I ride my horse, play netball and generally get myself outdoors! I would like to think I'm fairly left wing and liberal, but I do accept the criticism that I come from a background that naturally fits within perhaps a more conservative political thinking.

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