
Wayne Bulpitt

Chief Commissioner for Scouting, UK

A member of Scouting since the age of eight, Wayne was appointed UK Chief Commissioner in May 2009, having been Chief Commissioner of England (South) since September 2007, Chairman of the Association’s Board of Trustees until that date and an elected Trustee since 2001.

Professionally, Wayne founded the Active Group Limited in 2002.

Under his leadership, Active is a rapidly expanding company providing practical and professional support services such as compliance, corporate secretarial and management services. It employs 50 people from offices in Guernsey, Jersey, the Isle of Man and Cayman.

A strong advocate of social entrepreneurship, in addition to his voluntary activities with The Scout Association, Wayne is active in wider youth issues in Guernsey, serving as a member of the Island’s Youth Service Committee (a sub-group of the Education Board), on the Juvenile Court Panel and as an active member of several professional bodies.

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