Royal Ramblings Meets Trent Seven (ICW Exclusive)

Royal Ramblings Meets Trent Seven (ICW Exclusive)

Insane Championship Wrestling (ICW) is the most exciting and dynamic independent promotion in the UK. One will shortly be able to add record-breaking to that list as the company is set to break numerous records at its show at Glasgow's Hydro on November 20th. Performing alongside the multi-talented ICW roster will be Kurt Angle and Finn Balor to name but two international visitors. Another man on the roster, recently seen teaching Xavier Woods the bagpipes(!) is the mighty Trent Seven. In our latest ICW special, we talk to the mightiest moustached man in the business about his links with ICW, his future plans and more. Do read on and then get your tickets here for ICW's Fear & Loathing megashow.

It's big times for you in ICW! You've got a World Heavyweight Championship match coming up against Wolfgang!

I have indeed. 20th of November, the Trent Seven Army rocks up to the SECC Hydro in Glasgow for the biggest independent wrestling show in three, four decades.

For people that don't know about Trent Seven and Moustache Mountain, can you tell us a bit about yourself?

Well, myself and Tyler Bate, we are Moustache Mountain and we live in a lovely log cabin at the halfway point, it's a delight. Upon the mantelpiece, there's numerous gold items, namely the Chikara world tag-team championships. He's not too chuffed about it but there's half a shield [Seven is a tag- champ for Progress wrestling along with Pete Dunne - RR]. I'd like to add to that by sticking the ICW World Heavyweight Championship next to it.

You've wrestled all over the UK and with Chikara in the US. How have you changed in the time you've been on the independent scene?

Mainly, I suppose I've just putting myself out there. Growing a moustache, that was important. Mountain just doesn't really work by itself. Ever since we started teaming together, me and Tyler have become more cohesive and things have just sky-rocketed from there really. I'm more than happy to ride this crest of a wave, its rather fun to be on at the moment.

Who do you rate most highly in ICW or elsewhere? And is there anyone you'd like to face that you haven't yet?

As far as rating, the standard is just so high at the minute we'd be here forever if I was to list people. The person I'd like to face and we've kept eluding each other over the past year or two, is Chris Hero. We've never stepped into the same ring at the same time. Hopefully I'll get the opportunity to do so.

What's the best rib that you've played on someone or have had played on you?

Off the top of my hat, we did a Chikara show called the Young Lions Cup in 2011. I was scheduled to be on the show in some capacity but there was a hurricane, so they had to cut three show days into one night. It was 17 matches, something crazy like that. MK McKinnon was in the tournament, fared really well and it was his first international pay day. The promotor passed the pay envelope to me and asked that I pass it to MK McKinnon to which I said "of course". I then proceeded to open it and replace the money inside with a one dollar bill. I sealed it back up, gave it him and he was like "cool, cheers". About a half an hour later he came back to me and said "I totally understand I'm very young, I didn't even think I was going to get paid..." and I was saying "what do you mean, what happened?" He told me there was a dollar in there and I said "it must be a mark of respect, for your first show". We kept him going all the way home and when we pulled over at a service station, I said "you'd better get the coffees in". He was like "I only got a dollar" and then we had the big reveal. That kept him going for a while.

Why is ICW special to you?

I have to credit them, a lot, with allowing me to really start branching out. Everything pretty much came off the back of an ICW booking in Birmingham against Mikey Whiplash which some people may have seen, some may have not. It's not for the faint hearted because for some reason, I brain-busted him inside the ring, outside onto a metal ramp. Ever since then, people have started to take notice of the ever expanding moustache and beard set and various ridiculous suplexes later, looks like me and Mikey Whiplash have finally come to terms as we'd been fighting each other consistently everywhere. Glasgow and ICW has a very warm soft spot in my heart.

Plenty of ICW stars have been picked up by the big leagues in the US and Japan - recently Noam Dar and Big Damo to name but two. Is that something you're aiming towards?

Yep. Like I said earlier, you've got to ride the crest of the wave haven't you. I'm the guy that just says yes to everything, let's go, let's fill up the calendar. If something magical comes of it then so be it. I'm more than ready to do it in front of whoever I need to do it in front of. So whether it be 5-6000 at the Hydro or Wrestlemania in a few years. We all have our goals but at the end of the day I'm just here to have a lot of fun, work as hard as I can and we'll just see what happens....

You can be certain whatever happens at ICW in Glasgow, it will be magical with Seven involved. Go grab a ticket whilst you can!


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