I always wonder what I will be when I grow up. I know at 33 that is a strange thing to wonder but I really don't feel like a grown up at all, so it is something that I do think about. Of course, top of the list is a Princess (if you didn't guess by the name of my blog) but I don't think Prince Harry is going to be looking for a chubby bride anytime soon!
When it comes to dream jobs there are a few things that I should probably strike off the list straight away. I'm not likely to be a dolphin trainer or pass my forklift certification exams anytime soon -but it's still nice to dream of jobs I'd like to have, if it was possible!
Plus Size Blogger
It probably goes without saying but I would love to make a career as a plus size blogger. I love writing as a hobby but to do it as a full time career would be fantastic. I think if we are realistic about things then I would have to live in London but that's no bad thing at all! A plus size blogger living In London would make me a very happy Debz, but that's probably not something that's going to happen anytime immediately - a girl can dream though right?
Boyband Manager
Ever since I was a teenager I have had a bit of a soft spot for boybands - when I say soft spot, it's probably safer to say that I have a bit of an obsession. Anyone who knows me will tell you that I am a planner - I love to be organised, put together dates, book tables etc. If I am planning then I am very happy. Ideally I would love to combine both of these two and manage a boyband. If I ever won the lottery I would definitely plough money into putting together a band and getting them on the road. Booking gigs, arranging events and hanging out with a cute boyband would definitely be right up my street.

Wine Taster
Is there such thing as a professional wine taster? Or perhaps a cake taster? I am sure that someone out there must be living the life working the job of dreams and if I am honest I would really like to join them. I have no idea whether jobs like this exist in real life or whether I am dreaming but either way it's not a dream I would like to give up anytime soon. If I am honest I have lots of experience with tasting wine so I really think I already have the qualifications needed to pass for a professional, I just need someone to pay me now.

I always wonder what jobs people would do if we could do whatever we wanted - it would be a lovely world if we could all work jobs that we truly loved.