'Stand Up for Europe' - Why I'm Touring 31 Cities in 31 Days Campaigning for Britain to Remain

We must not turn our backs on a European Union that has helped us keep the peace since the dark days of the Second World War and which, working together, has a better chance of staving off the threat from terrorism. Only by working together in Europe can we avoid something terrible happening this century. Which is why I've called my campaign 'Stand Up For Europe'. And that's what I'll be doing for 31 days in 31 cities, starting 23 May in Birmingham. Because I believe that no vote in our lifetime has ever been this important.

No vote in your lifetime will be as important as this.

Later this month I'm setting off on a 'marathon' tour of the U.K. I'll be doing 31 cities in 31 days. But this time it will be different, instead of running I will be campaigning for the UK to remain IN Europe.

I'm doing it because I believe passionately we are about to take the biggest decision of our lifetime.

It's no secret that I really want us to stay in the European Union. I already perform my shows in French, German and next will be Spanish. I took my business - comedy that I developed in Britain - and I'm now doing it in three other languages but also in English all across Eastern Europe. This is what we can do with our work and our lives if we just dream big and go for it.

I am positive and passionate about Europe. Not just because of the positive economic case - which is persuasive - but because of what Europe stands for. I can't believe we are in the situation where we could soon be financially and politically separated from our continent.

But my main reason for dashing to all parts of the United Kingdom - and I will be running across all our borders to keep myself up to speed - is that I want to help persuade people, particularly young people, to vote.

It's a personal decision and I respect this but I want to communicate to as many young people as possible why I believe its essential that we remain. The polls show the elderly are more likely to vote than the young but that they are more likely to vote leave. Therefore the young must register and vote to correct that age range imbalance. If they don't I believe a whole generation will regret it forever. Wherever I go I will be telling young people make their voices heard and vote to have the option to choose how they want to work and live in our continent.

I campaigned for a Stay vote in Scotland and got flak on the campaign trail. I expect I'll get more this time from the people who want to run and hide from Europe. But I'm ready to fight.

We are British people and we shouldn't run and hide from Europe. We should stand up and fight for our place in Europe.

People know that I'm a activist and that I'm interested in a political career. I'm standing to get on Labour's national executive and I would like to stand for parliament in 2020.

But this isn't about that. Bill Shankly said that football was more important than life and death. Our future in Europe is more important than politics. That's why I'm on the same side of the people who believe we are Stronger In Europeand fighting against Boris Farage and the people who want us to be Weaker Out of Europe.

We must not turn our backs on a European Union that has helped us keep the peace since the dark days of the Second World War and which, working together, has a better chance of staving off the threat from terrorism. Only by working together in Europe can we avoid something terrible happening this century.

Of course Europe has faults. But while there are many good economic reasons for staying - leaving will hit every one of us in the pocket - I'm driven because I believe in Europe and the solidarity between nations.

Which is why I've called my campaign 'Stand Up For Europe'. And that's what I'll be doing for 31 days in 31 cities, starting 23 May in Birmingham.

Because I believe that no vote in our lifetime has ever been this important.


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