10 Of The Wildest And Wackiest Conspiracies Trump Pushed This Week

The president really outdid himself by promoting multiple unsubstantiated claims.

Donald Trump is no stranger to conspiracy-mongering. He’s pushed wild birther theories about his predecessor, Barack Obama, suggested windmills cause cancer and claimed climate change is a hoax manufactured by the Chinese, among other bizarre assertions.

He’s also refused to reject the far-right QAnon movement, calling supporters of the outlandish conspiracy theory “people who love our country.”

But Trump appears to have outdone himself this week, publicly parroting multiple conspiracy theories and unsubstantiated claims in recent days. Here are 10 egregious examples:

At a Monday press conference, Trump defended Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old Trump supporter who fatally shot two people in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Trump defends Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old supporter of his who is charged with murdering two protesters in Kenosha pic.twitter.com/KdfkdTPRVG

— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) August 31, 2020

The president said, without evidence, that Rittenhouse had acted in self-defence when he opened fire at a Black Lives Matter protest, killing two people and wounding another. The demonstration had been organised in response to the police shooting of Jacob Blake, an unarmed Black man.

Trump blamed the unrest on “left-wing political violence” and claimed Rittenhouse had been “trying to get away” from protesters who then “violently attacked him” when the shooting occurred.

Also on Monday, Trump touted several conspiracy theories in an interview with Fox News’ Laura Ingraham, including the claim that there had been a plane full of “thugs” who attempted to disrupt the GOP convention.

"We had somebody get on a plane from a certain city this weekend, and in the plane it was almost completely loaded with thugs, wearing these dark uniforms, black uniforms, with gear and this and that. They're on a plane."

Trump says this is "under investigation right now." pic.twitter.com/UjBBvsBaU3

— Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) September 1, 2020

Trump told Ingraham during the interview – which was broadcast in two parts on Monday and Tuesday – that “somebody” had seen the planeload of “thugs, wearing these dark uniforms... with gear and this and that” traveling from an unknown city to wreak havoc at the Republican National Convention, which was largely held remotely this year using pre-taped videos amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Trump has offered zero evidence to back up this wild claim.

Trump suggested that “some very stupid rich people” are bankrolling violent protesters involved in anti-racism demonstrations across the US.

The president has similarly not provided any evidence to support this conspiracy theory.

He also claimed that Portland, Oregon, where protests against racism and police violence have raged for three months, has been burning for decades

Portland fire officials were quick to push back against this claim.

“We are not on fire. We have not been on fire,” Lt. Rich Chatman, a spokesperson for Portland Fire & Rescue, said this week.

Trump told Ingraham that Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden appears to be hopped up on some sort of drug.

the Biden Is Roiding thing rules pic.twitter.com/bOn7mcsQrv

— Brendan Karet 🚮 (@bad_takes) September 2, 2020

“He’s on some kind of an enhancement, in my opinion,” Trump said, adding that both he and Biden should take a drug test to check.

Back in 2016, Trump made similar allegations about his Democratic rival, former secretary of state Hillary Clinton.

Trump claimed that “people that are in the dark shadows” are controlling Biden.

“People that you’ve never heard of” are controlling Biden, the president told Ingraham, prompting her to question whether Trump was touting a “conspiracy theory.”

He continued to push a false claim that Covid-19 isn’t as deadly as health agencies have reported.

Trump retweeted a post on Sunday, since deleted, that erroneously claimed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had “quietly” updated its numbers “to admit that only 6%” of people who died of the coronavirus had “actually” died of the virus since “the other 94% had 2-3 other serious illnesses.”

Trump repeated this claim in his interview with Ingraham – despite its inaccuracy.

While the CDC has said that 6% of Covid-19 victims’ death certificates list the coronavirus as the sole of death, officials have made it clear that the listing of co-morbidities – including chronic conditions such as hypertension and diabetes – doesn’t mean the person did not die of Covid-19.

“A small number of people have Covid ascribed as the sole cause of death. It may be they had no co-morbidities or they were just not noted,” Dr Myron Cohen, director of the Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, told Politifact of the data. “However, it is also clear that advanced age and several other underlying diseases lead to bad outcomes with Covid infections. The people dying were not going to die but for the acquisition of Covid.”

Dr Anthony Fauci, the country’s top infectious disease expert, also contradicted Trump’s claim.

Over the weekend, the President retweeted misinformation on the coronavirus death toll, claiming it's much lower due to comorbidities. Dr. Anthony Fauci responded this morning on ABC: “The numbers that you’ve been hearing, the 180,000-plus deaths, are real deaths from Covid-19."

— Betsy Klein (@betsy_klein) September 1, 2020

Trump insisted he won the 2016 popular vote, which he lost by nearly 3 million ballots to Hillary Clinton.

The president told Ingraham that he actually won the popular vote “in a true sense” because the votes of a libertarian candidate should have counted for him.

Trump also suggested, without evidence, that there was “tremendous” voter fraud in California, New York and “other places.”

"I think I did win the popular vote, in a true sense. I think there was tremendous cheating" -- Trump claims falsely that he actually won the popular vote in 2016 pic.twitter.com/CUa7rv63Ow

— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) September 2, 2020

Trump repeated the claim that the November election will be “rigged” because of postal voting.

Rigged Election? https://t.co/LK0gp40luC

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 2, 2020

Trump has, in recent weeks, repeatedly sought to undermine public confidence in mail-in voting – even as he and first lady Melania Trump have requested mail-in ballots themselves – by pushing baseless conspiracy theories about potential voter fraud.

He did this again on Wednesday, retweeting an article published by the right-wing website The National Pulse about how Trump may appear to win by a landslide on Election Day because mail-in votes won’t all have been counted yet.

The Pulse article is based on an interview aired on “Axios on HBO.” According to Axios, far more Democrats are expected to vote by mail in November than Republicans. Since those votes may not be counted for days or weeks after Election Day, Trump may appear to have won at first – even if he ultimately loses the vote.

“Rigged Election?” Trump tweeted in response to this possibility.

On two consecutive days, he appeared to encourage voters to cast their votes twice.

For 2nd straight day, Trump suggests his supporters in some cases should vote twice, which is illegal: "Sign your mail-in ballot, okay? You sign it & you send it in & then you have to follow it. And if, on Election Day or early voting, it's not tabulated and counted, you go vote" pic.twitter.com/ZhrF2rdGPb

— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) September 4, 2020

While Trump warned, baselessly, of potential voter fraud on the one hand, he also appeared to encourage his supporters to commit voter fraud themselves by voting twice.

Speaking at a Pennsylvania rally on Thursday, Trump said mail-in ballots “are a disgrace” and urged voters to send in their absentee ballots before voting again in person.

“What you have to do is send in your early ballot and then go and make sure that ballot is tabulated or counted, and if it’s not counted, vote,” he said. “And then they have the job, if it comes in late, or if it’s not too late, they have the job of making sure that it’s not counted.”

The president had made a similar suggestion on Wednesday to supporters in North Carolina.

It is – needless to say – illegal to vote twice.


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