13 Tweets That Will Make So Much Sense To Introverts

"Have you ever turned your phone off in the middle of a call to act like your phone died. No? Just me... okay."

If you’re an introvert, you value your alone time. You tend to think before you speak. You’d much rather socialise one-on-one than in a group. A phone call is probably your worst nightmare. But most of all, you are silently strong.

It can be tough to prefer being alone in a world that values sociability. But take heart, quiet types: Twitter has your back. Each month, we round up spot-on tweets that capture what it’s like to be an introvert. Scroll down for our latest batch.


Every introvert’s favorite Dr. Seuss book probably. pic.twitter.com/LQOTkTMqzC

— Introvert Life (@IntrovertLiving) November 22, 2020



“keep your social circle small, it’s the only way to stay safe”


introverts are the safest people that exist

— Jenn Granneman (@JennGranneman) October 22, 2020


The best part about being an introvert is all the money you save by not doing social interactions.

— Shower Thoughts (@TheWeirdWorld) November 1, 2020


The worst part of getting a new phone is having to re-mute all the group chats you selectively ignore 🤷🏻♂️#introvertproblems

— Matt Dailey! (#WearYourDamnMask) (@TheMattDailey) November 21, 2020



Y’all ever turned your phone off in the middle of a call to act like your phone died. No? Just me... okay #introvertproblems

— You (@VidaDeAshley) November 6, 2020


2020: Revenge of the Introverts

— Karl Sharro (@KarlreMarks) November 23, 2020


Introverts need time to recover from social interaction because they’ve been acting all day.

— Shower Thoughts (@TheWeirdWorld) October 30, 2020


alone time doesn’t mean introverts love their friends, spouse or kids any less... it means they’re recharging their energy to be their best for you

— Introvert, Dear (@IntrovertDear) November 9, 2020


Is anyone else relieved that there are no work holiday parties 😅

— Meena Harris (@meenaharris) November 23, 2020


I’ve been working since Monday to get out of my Friday night plans. #introvertlife #IntrovertProblems

— Pastor-rama (@PastorPastTime) November 18, 2020


Today I learned that introducing myself to a group of strangers, even though it's just online and my camera is off, still makes me nervous. #introvertproblems

— Patricia Viray (@patriciaviray) November 19, 2020


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