This 17-Year-Old's Mum Made A *Serious* Packed Lunch Faux Pas

It was all one big misunderstanding.

We've all heard about school packed lunches needing to meet strict guidelines, while they're policed by pesky teachers and healthy eating zealots.

But when 17-year-old McKenzie Strange opened up her packed lunch at school this week, she was *really* surprised at what her mother had served up.

Rather than a usual sweet iced tea, McKenzie's mum had given her a can of Four Loco - a tangy flavoured alcoholic drink.

so my mom packed me a four loko for lunch ...

— kenzie✽ (@KenzieeStrangee) May 9, 2016

And it's not just "alcoholic", some of Four Loco's products are as much as 13 percent proof. That's equivalent to the average Malbec red wine.


A photo posted by Four Loko (@fourloko) on

The teen, from Georgia, US, immediately texted her mum to point out the error, and posted her reply on Twitter.

It's since been retweeted close to 100,000 times.

Her mother admitted she hadn't been fully alert while making the lunch.

McKenzie told Buzzfeed: "I texted my mum about it and she couldn’t believe the mistake she made; she was half asleep when packing my lunch and thought it was a Peach [iced] Tea.

"She said, ‘I need to get a cup of coffee before I try and pack lunches from now on.'"

But her mum's reputation is anything but damaged, if online reaction is anything to go by.

@marina_marchh @KenzieeStrangee @stephpelino @McKinBlair @AlexaGianchetti pshhhht her moms schemin

— Erin Bernhardt (@ErinBernnn) May 9, 2016

@ErinBernnn @marina_marchh @KenzieeStrangee @McKinBlair @AlexaGianchetti what a hood ass mom hahahahhahaha

— SP (@stephpelino) May 9, 2016

And apparently, Four Loco's the perfect stealth booze.

@aIIenguzman @KenzieeStrangee lmfao ikr 💀 you know to this day my mom still thinks they're energy drinks 😂

— jamés (@allhailljames) May 11, 2016

But... the brand isn't available in the UK.


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