When it comes to their commitment to making Halloween a hoot, you have to admire the tenacity of kids.
From their unwavering determination to wear unique costumes (a ceiling fan?) to their love of dark decor and genius business ideas, these kids really upped their ghoulish game and we couldn’t be prouder.
Halloween. A kid comes to the door with a sign”I love ceilings”
— Colin Mochrie (@colinmochrie) November 1, 2019
What are you?
A Ceiling Fan.
Gave him all the candy.
For Halloween 2022 my 5yo has asked to go as Stevie Nicks from her 24 Karat Gold Tour I wish I was making this up pic.twitter.com/4NDYGpILbx
— Emily Adrian (@adremily) July 5, 2022
When the 5yo asked last month what the scariest thing was for me, I kind of wearily muttered, “Responsibilities.”
— C Thi Nguyen (@add_hawk) October 30, 2022
Now it is Halloween and he is being a creepy ghost, and sneaking up out of nowhere and whispering in my ear,“Responsibilitiessss”.
Award for the best actress goes to my 6YO, for her performance as a devastated and deprived child, every time she wants to eat her Halloween candy
— Vinod Chhaproo (@Chhapiness) November 2, 2021
My 3yo doesn’t understand the concept of Halloween decorations and keeps dragging our skeletons inside to play with them. I told him it didn’t make sense to have Halloween decorations inside bc nobody can see them and he said, extremely seriously “they’re part of our family.”
— Lucy Huber (@clhubes) October 17, 2023
I'd like the parents of babies and toddlers, who will be dressing their wee ones in cute pumpkin onesies to know what lies ahead. After initial disinterest, Tom now wants to dress up as "the ghost of a miner who died in a lava accident". And the school party is tomorrow. 😳
— Maïa Dunphy (@MaiaDunphy) October 25, 2022
My 4yo said a ghost doesn't have a butt, they have a booo-ty so looks like he's getting a jump on everyone else with his Halloween joke material.
— A Bearer Of Dad News (@HomeWithPeanut) September 27, 2022
Please help, our 3yo has asked to be a butt for halloween. A butt.
— claire (@c1aireify) October 1, 2022
6yo put a witch hat on the dog’s tail and turned her into an animatronic halloween decoration pic.twitter.com/dsVtlZMsWt
— Brian Wecht (@bwecht) September 28, 2020
me: no you can’t wear your halloween costume to school today
— Daddy Go Fish (@daddygofish) September 23, 2022
my 7yo: if I were president it would be opposite — you wear a costume everyday except one day you wear normal clothes. That would be called Boring Day.
My very petite barely on the growth chart 7yo daughter wants to be Hagrid for Halloween and I tried SO hard to keep a straight face.
— 🥕Haley Stewart🥕 (@HaleyCarrots) September 2, 2020
Me: do you know what Halloween is?
— Anne Thériault (@anne_theriault) October 31, 2019
8yo: is it Satan’s birthday?
Me: what
8yo: what
Me: NO, it’s the eve of the Catholic feast of all saints day
Me: the THINNING? of the VEIL??
8yo: so when is Satan’s birthday
Me: I don’t know!
8yo, darkly: well someday I will
8yo: I don’t know what to be for halloween
— Kathryn VanArendonk (@kvanaren) September 18, 2022
me: do you want to be something scary?
8yo: why, do they make a costume of you?
“Why does it have to be my masterpiece, why not my mistresspiece?”
— Alison O'Connor (@alisonoconn) October 17, 2018
So asked 8yo as she placed her pumpkin on the counter.
*Contending for proudest maternal moment ever. pic.twitter.com/0oBfCm7tle
My 9yo son as I dropped him off at school, "time to make some money!" Apparently he's selling his Halloween candy to the kids who aren't allowed to have candy at home.
— Marcy G (@BunAndLeggings) November 3, 2022
My toddler got up, donned her pumpkin pjs, and has been marching around the house singing THIS IS HALLOWEEN EVERYBODY SCREAM for hours. So I guess it's Halloween today.
— kelly andrew (@KayAyDrew) March 17, 2020
So my 3yo painted a mini pumpkin for me today, thought it could bounce like a ball, and threw it on the ground. It broke in half.
— star•gyal (@beequammie) October 9, 2020
My 6yo took some playdoh and patched it together and proudly said "Us Black girls improvise!"
Me: pic.twitter.com/80p2BnXwb6
It is now January 7th and my toddler has been Batman every day since Halloween
— Liam Nissan™ (@theliamnissan) January 7, 2023