19 Funny Tweets That Sound All Too Familiar To Introverts

"I once organised a singles party for introverts and nobody came."

If you’re an introvert, you value your alone time. You tend to think before you speak. You’d much rather socialise one-on-one than in a group. A phone call is probably your worst nightmare. But most of all, you are silently strong.

It can be tough to prefer being alone in a world that values sociability, even during a pandemic. But take heart, quiet types: Twitter has your back. Each month, we round up spot-on tweets that capture what it’s like to be an introvert. Scroll down for our latest batch.



Where else!? #introvert pic.twitter.com/QpIpAQUcvu

— Introvert, Dear (@IntrovertDear) August 2, 2020


Positives of wearing a mask:
-Don’t have to smile at people as I walk by them
-Can lip sync without people seeing
-People are less prone to make small talk
-Overall less approachable

— Introvert Life (@IntrovertLiving) August 8, 2020


My Covidsafe app just notified me that it hadn't detected any interactions in 48 hours and that I should check that it's still on.

It is, and as an introvert I take this as a personal attack.

— Adam Liaw (@adamliaw) August 11, 2020



— Caspar Salmon (@CasparSalmon) August 8, 2020


People always tell introverts to be more talkative and leave their comfort zones. yet none tells extroverts to shut up to make the zone comfortable...

— Shower Thoughts (@TheWeirdWorld) July 27, 2020


I once organized a singles party for introverts and nobody came.

— John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang) July 31, 2020


introverts start an argument just to get the silent treatment

— jade fox (@iamjadefox) August 2, 2020


Sorry I’m awkward 👋 pic.twitter.com/cfY7QaVbsm

— Marzi (@IntrovertDoodle) August 11, 2020


Added benefit of mask wearing for introverts: Acquaintances you see in the street no longer recognize you, so no need for small talk!

— Alexia Bonatsos (@alexia) August 15, 2020


Introverts don’t make new friends, they get adopted by extroverts

— Party Life (@LifeAsParty) August 9, 2020


Me everyday...#introvertlife #introvertproblems pic.twitter.com/hX5j1v0ORK

— Introvert Connect (@IntroConnect) August 10, 2020


i wish i could say “no❤️” out loud

— megan (@slitthroatz) July 26, 2020


Starting an online dating service for introverts. It’s called...

Texting#introvertproblems #introvertlife

— Introvert's Guide to Life (@IntrovertsGTL) August 15, 2020


Social distancing has been good for my mental health until everyone wants to have a zoom party. All. The. Time. #TuesdayThoughts #introvertproblems pic.twitter.com/tAoDOFR6Ci

— Chenille (@ChenilleToGo) August 11, 2020


I hate when i go out in public and the public is there


— Jai (@kkarlajairee) August 14, 2020


Sometimes extrovert me tweets things and then introvert me will avoid looking at twitter for 3 days after 🤣

— Holly Hagan (@HollyGShore) August 10, 2020


If anything, quarantine has shown me that I truly don’t socialize enough for it to have changed my daily schedule. Oops. #introvertproblems #QuarantineLife

— Rose (@ThetaRose3) August 10, 2020


This is the era when we introverts take over.

— Introvert, Dear (@IntrovertDear) August 15, 2020

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