20 Of The Funniest Tweets About Cats And Dogs This Week (Sept. 16-22)

"if i were a cat i’d be scared and puffed up all the time"

Woof — it’s been a long week.

If you feel like you’ve been working like a dog, let us offer you the internet equivalent of a big pile of catnip: hilarious tweets about pets.

We Shih Tzu not.

Each week at HuffPost, we scour Twitter X (yes, Elon Musk is apparently fur real) to find the funniest posts about our furballs being complete goofballs. They’re sure to make you howl.

(And if you want more, no need to beg ― you can check out last week’s batch right here.)

I read that cats like it when you join in with their activities so a few months ago whenever Onion started scratching his scratching post I'd "join in" and pretend to scratch it too. Now he marches up to his scratching post and meows demandingly until I join him. I played myself.

— jeeyonardo dicaprio 심지연 ➡️ Big Bad Con 2023 (@jeeyonshim) September 21, 2023

I'm uncomfortable with the way I feel like this cat has stared into the very depths of my soul and judged me unworthy https://t.co/0AfKpMZeBn

— Morris Animal Refuge (@MorrisAnimal) September 20, 2023

I was thinking again about that tweet about how your pets don't love you, and, like...how high do you want the bar to be for pets' love? My dog lets me pet him when I'm sad, I don't need him to deliver a devastating eulogy at my funeral if he outlives me

— AK Lingus (@aklingus) September 19, 2023

showing her the stars 🥺💫 pic.twitter.com/NSe2VMFWId

— sanjana curtis! 🦦 (@sanjanacurtis) September 17, 2023

me trying to write a splurge to find an adopter for a cat who has kidney disease and will be expensive and has an attitude problem and gets into everything and doesn't like other animals: And he really loves to be pet :)

— haley (@feederofcats) September 18, 2023

It's everybody-say-hi-to-my-cat-in-the-window season. Rupert is very handsome, and *you should tell him that*. Thank you. pic.twitter.com/lcZuG7qK3U

— Sarah McAnulty, Ph.D (@SarahMackAttack) September 19, 2023

if i were a cat i’d be scared and puffed up all the time

— clare (@sadderlizards) September 17, 2023

This is Ellie. She's on her way home for the first time. Can't believe that dreams really do come true. 12/10 pic.twitter.com/NauM0Rom1i

— WeRateDogs (@dog_rates) September 21, 2023

Show me a picture of your pet where they also looks like a hired killer. pic.twitter.com/cIERTRvNku

— Andrew Male (@Andr6wMale) September 21, 2023

My sister was very excited to take this picture in traffic today. pic.twitter.com/2GbTp12O87

— Dan Szymborski (@DSzymborski) September 19, 2023

Face of a (lorg) man who will remove his legs and steal your chair until you feed him or fuss over him (preferably both) pic.twitter.com/YyP70aHh9t

— Greg The Cat Dad (@GregtheCatDad) September 16, 2023

It’s our first Halloween together.
Turns out Pepper is scared of Halloween decorations.
I had to do this past every skeleton. pic.twitter.com/f28SZXmRlA

— Andrew Nadeau (@TheAndrewNadeau) September 18, 2023

No Kirby don't eat him !! 😭 pic.twitter.com/viUYn2PEw9

— place where cat shouldn't be (@catshouldnt) September 20, 2023

we're asking for the public's help in locating the Puppy Cart after one of the puppies set it to autopilot and then accidentally ejected themselves pic.twitter.com/vtHJgeX8Ii

— Nebraska Humane Society 🐶 (@NEHumaneSociety) September 19, 2023


— WholesomeMemes (@WholesomeMeme) September 20, 2023


— Tweets of Cats (@TweetsOfCats) September 19, 2023

he likes to air out his beans

— cats being weird little guys (@weirdlilguys) September 22, 2023

Parking attendant. pic.twitter.com/wowcL1KqHs

— cats with jobs 🛠 (@CatWorkers) September 19, 2023

honestly i think about this so much https://t.co/TocS3bRmum

— Fishtopher and Friends (@mrfishtopher) September 19, 2023