Pulitzer Prize-Winning Photographers Were Honored For Some Incredible Images

LOOK: Pulitzer Prize-Winning Photographs

The 2014 Pulitzer Prize winners for Breaking News Photography and Feature Photography were announced on Monday.

Both awards were captured by photographers from the New York Times.

Tyler Hicks, a staff photographer for the New York Times, received the award in breaking news photography for his pictures documenting the terrorist attack at Westgate mall in Nairobi, Kenya.

Josh Haner won for feature photography for his essay, "Beyond the Finish Line," on one victim's recovery after the Boston Marathon bombings.

“It’s a huge honor to be recognized in this way, and it’s a reminder to me that these stories, however far away and however remote, are being noticed and that the risks that photographers all over the world take in going to dangerous places are being acknowledged and rewarded," Hicks said.

"It’s a symbol of what we do at the newspaper as a whole — the best of foreign reporting and the best of our enterprise,” NY Times' assistant managing editor for photography Michele McNally added.

Scroll through below to see some of the winning images by Tyler Hicks and Josh Haner:

tyler hicks kenya mall
AP Photo/Tyler Hicks, The New York Times

Tyler Hicks du New York Times remporte le Prix Pulitzer pour ses photos prises durant l'attaque du Mall de Nairobi pic.twitter.com/Mzr6uJx52e

— thomas snegaroff (@thomassnegaroff) April 14, 2014

Congrats to @TylerHicksPhoto http://t.co/0y2dZrxW7R & @JoshHaner http://t.co/8WBR5Cgzqi for Pulitzers in Photography pic.twitter.com/yAtzDXwCXA

— Alex Howard (@digiphile) April 14, 2014

Photo | @WorldPressPhoto Spot News, 2nd prize stories. Massacre at Westgate Mall. By Tyler Hicks. #WPPh14 pic.twitter.com/ZqaHUmJY4j

— Amy Feldtmann (@AmyFeldtmann) February 14, 2014


#Kenya - Nairobi Mall.
Innocents en danger. (Par Tyler Hicks) pic.twitter.com/cuecqX0eYW

— Photos Du Monde (@PhotosDuMonde) September 22, 2013

Photo of SD native Elaine Dang at the Sept 2013 Kenya mall attack is a Pulitzer Prize winner. http://t.co/CxREY8sxbl pic.twitter.com/HRW5EtEeII

— Matt Johnson (@MattWSB) April 14, 2014

See Pulitzer-winning photos by NYT's Josh Haner of a Boston Marathon bombing victim's recovery http://t.co/I8obs0x5QW pic.twitter.com/cDMQ1MSrPa

— The New York Times (@nytimes) April 14, 2014

Maratończyk, który stał się symbolem zamachów w Bostonie, wraca do normalnego życia
Josh Haner dla The New York Times pic.twitter.com/3dz0YkqdIN

— Peter Gray (@PeterofGray) July 9, 2013

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