2022 Review: A Look Back At A Year When Politics Went Mad

Well that was idiotic.
 Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng in Birmingham during their brief spell as prime minister and chancellor.
Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng in Birmingham during their brief spell as prime minister and chancellor.
Stefan Rousseau via PA Wire/PA Images

Every year in British politics is now almost always weirder than the last. But surely 2022 - which saw the country rattle through three prime ministers - will be peak stupid?

Below is a quick rundown of some, if not all, of the bonkers moments of the last year. May it rest in peace.


At the start of the year, Boris Johnson was prime minister and under intense pressure over the partygate scandal. On January 12, he admitted had actually attended a No.10 garden event during lockdown. Having previously insisted no rules were broken in Downing Street.

"I want to apologise. I know that millions of people have made extraordinary sacrifices"

Prime Minister Boris Johnson apologies to public after attending party held at No 10 during lockdown#PMQs https://t.co/HUp5JDSfRU pic.twitter.com/XJx8Ra1hZ2

— BBC News (UK) (@BBCNews) January 12, 2022

February - Jimmy Savile smear

Johnson spent the first few days of February doubling down on a discredited smear that Keir Starmer failed to prosecute Jimmy Savile. The then prime minister made the allegation during heated Commons debate over the Sue Gray report into partygate. The false claim led Munira Mirza, his policy chief, to resign.

First, Boris Johnson’s policy chief resigned over the PM’s false claim that Keir Starmer failed to prosecute Jimmy Savile. Then the PM’s Director of Communications quit too. 5 mins with details and reaction. Produced by Michael Cox and Jack Kilbride. https://t.co/vPOelb9Tsz pic.twitter.com/Fna37x8ZIe

— Ros Atkins (@BBCRosAtkins) February 3, 2022

March - Boris’ Russia links

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine saw the British government rollout sanctions on people close to Vladimir Putin’s regime. Johnson himself came under pressure to explain his links to prominent Russians including former KGB agent Alexander Lebedev and Lubov Chernukhin, the wealthy Tory donor and wife of a former Russian minister. Dominic Raab explained it away as the PM simply being “very social”.

"What first attracted the prime minister to the billionaire Russian oligarchs?" — Labour's Matt Western queries Boris Johnson's social connections

Deputy PM Dominic Raab responds that the prime minister is a "very social individual" https://t.co/iAzfsZ3yln pic.twitter.com/bpF8K1iuM9

— Bloomberg UK (@BloombergUK) March 16, 2022

April - Partygate fines

On April 12, Johnson was handed a fixed penalty notice by the police for breaking his own Covid lockdown rules. It was the first time a sitting prime minister was found to have broken the law. Despite this, he did not resign.

"I've paid the fine, and I once again offer a full apology."

Prime Minister Boris Johnson says he has received a fixed penalty notice relating to an event on 19 June 2020.

Latest: https://t.co/syHTJl0DKX

📺 Sky 501, Virgin 602, Freeview 233 and YouTube pic.twitter.com/Y6EVX6govT

— Sky News (@SkyNews) April 12, 2022

May - Tractorgate

Tory Neil Parish formally resigned from parliament after he admitted watching porn on his phone in the Commons. Twice. The Tiverton and Honiton MP said it had been a “moment of madness” as he initially was innocently looking at pictures of tractors. Easy mixup.

Neil Parish’s resignation interview comes across as a sketch from Little Britain:

‘Funnily enough it was tractors I was looking at.. I did get into another website that had a very similar name’ pic.twitter.com/msdQcTqkaB

— George Aylett (@GeorgeAylett) April 30, 2022

June - Blue wall blues

On June 23 by-elections were held in the Tory seats of Tiverton and Honiton and Wakefield. The party lost the former to the Lib Dems and the latter to Labour. Ed Davey celebrated his party’s victory with a classically stupid stunt. The double by-election loss did little to settle the nerves of Tory MPs about Johnson’s leadership.

Lib Dem leader Ed Davey:

“It’s time to show Boris Johnson the door”

“Conservative excuses for their defeats are beginning to wear thin”

Speaking in Tiverton and Honiton after historic by-election win. pic.twitter.com/DizvBDtxVh

— Ali Fortescue (@AliFortescue) June 24, 2022

July - Bye bye Boris

After a wave of resignations finally triggered by the Chris Pincher scandal, Johnson resigned as prime minister on July 7. Yet the previous day he had been determined to cling on. The farce was captured live on TV as he was told a delegation of cabinet ministers was at that very moment in No.10 waiting to tell him to quit. The group included very loyal Nadhim Zahawi, who Johnson had promoted to chancellor 24-hours earlier.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson is told 'a delegation of your cabinet colleagues are waiting for you in Downing Street' to ask him to resign during questions at the Liaison committee. https://t.co/gxIafafSxw

📺 Sky 501, Virgin 602, Freeview 233 and YouTube pic.twitter.com/CI8mFb6u8c

— Sky News (@SkyNews) July 6, 2022

Johnson’s resignation triggered a months long Tory leadership contest which included so many idiotic moments it has its own list here.

August - The lady’s not for turning

Perhaps the, highlight, of the contest was Liz Truss announcing plans to pay workers living in cheaper areas of the country less than their counterparts in places like London and the South East.

Tory MPs were livid, with one describing it as “austerity on steroids”. Truss complained there had been a “wilful misrepresentation” of the plan by the media. There had not. Quickly U-turning on the proposal, Truss said it showed she was “honest and decisive”. Perhaps the signs were there all along.

“This could be Liz’s ‘dementia tax’ moment”

Conservative Tees Valley mayor Ben Houchen says Liz Truss’s u-turn on regional public sector pay plans could damage her leadership campaign, comparing it to Theresa May’s 2017 social care proposal#bbcwato pic.twitter.com/SJmp5tAQnK

— The World at One (@BBCWorldatOne) August 2, 2022

September - Trussonomics

Truss hit the ground as prime minister on September 6. Her tenure lasted 49 days, during which time the Queen died, her mini-Budget caused the markets to have a panic attack and Tory poll ratings cratered. In a boost for Global Britain, the race for survival between her and the Daily Star’s lettuce became international news.

The question was all over social media. Who would survive longer: Britain’s prime minister, Liz Truss, or a wilting head of lettuce with a shelf life of just 10 days? By Thursday, at lunch time, Britain had its answer. It was the lettuce.https://t.co/QF4U4QGEdE pic.twitter.com/Bc2pidItjm

— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) October 20, 2022

October - Rishi v Boris

Rishi Sunak succeeded Truss as prime minister on October 26, having lost out to her in the contest to takeover from Johnson. But over the course of a crazy weekend at the start of the month, Johnson flew home from his Caribbean holiday to try and stage a dramatic comeback as PM. Before then dropping out of the race in the face over overwhelming opposition from Tory MPs.

Boris Johnson drops out of UK Conservative Party leader race, dashing a potential comeback bid.

Read more: https://t.co/k9PYnPvN9b pic.twitter.com/eQTY7kJqPo

— CNN (@CNN) October 23, 2022

November - Hancock in the jungle

As health secretary Matt Hancock helped lead the country through its biggest crisis since WWII. In November 2022 he decided it was a good idea to join ITV’s I’m A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here. He promptly had the party whip withdrawn and everyone else had to listen to constant jokes about him eating testicles.

New at Ten’s take on Matt Hancock heading to the jungle for I’m A Celeb pic.twitter.com/EUeB6bu4VB

— Jocelyn Evans (@JossieEvans) November 1, 2022

December - normal service resumed?

The final month of 2022 in Westminster was somewhat stable when it came to nonsense, as the government grappled with strikes, inflation and the war in Ukraine. This could signal 2023 will be more serious if not calmer. But let’s not count on it.


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