25 Tweets That Perfectly Sum Up Life With 9-Year-Olds

"Pro: My 9-year-old packed her own suitcase. Con: My 9-year-old packed her own suitcase."

Kids change so much from one year to the next, with each passing birthday bringing new challenges — and humorous moments — for their parents.

At the age of nine, kids continue to become more independent while also developing their own unique personalities. And as their parents’ tweets suggest, there’s a fair dose of sassiness and creativity, too.

We’ve rounded up 25 funny and all-too-real tweets that capture the essence of life with a nine-year-old.

Excellent news! My 9YO is half way done sharing her dream which she started narrating last Monday

— Vinod Chhaproo (@Chhapiness) June 20, 2022

My 9yo son as I dropped him off at school, "time to make some money!" Apparently he's selling his Halloween candy to the kids who aren't allowed to have candy at home.

— Marcy G (@BunAndLeggings) November 3, 2022

9yo, after giving my husband a heartfelt handmade Father's Day card: "They made us do that for school, that wasn't my idea."

— SpacedMom (@copymama) June 20, 2022

My 9yo just told me:
Thank you, Catherine Obvious.

I’m not correcting her.

— Professional Worrier (@pro_worrier_) January 12, 2021

9yo and the neighbour children invited us to watch their “play,” which consisted of 9yo saying, “thank you all for coming tonight, please turn off your devices” and then all of them whacking each other with plastic lightsabers in ways that made the adults wince. High art.

— Anne Thériault (@anne_theriault) September 7, 2020

Sometimes I worry that my 9 year old is too sweet for this fucked up world, but she looked at my face and said, "I didn't know you could be old AND get a pimple" so it turns out she'll be fine.

— Jessica Valenti (@JessicaValenti) September 2, 2019

My 9-year-old fact checks my “No. Absolutely not” by asking the same question 78 more times.

— Jessie (@mommajessiec) January 18, 2022

9-year-old: Dad! Dad! Dad!

Me: I'm in the middle of something. Is it important?

9: This kiwi looks like a butt. pic.twitter.com/1CPSDZIAgz

— James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) January 22, 2022

9-year-old: I still use that tip you gave me about putting on pants…make sure the tag is at the back.

Some advice is truly timeless.

— Andrew Knott (@aknott21) August 20, 2021

I thought I put my 9 year old to bed hours ago and he just casually walked out of the playroom and said, “Think I’ll go to bed now, I’m beat.”

It’s 11:15 pm.

— Lady Lawya (@Parkerlawyer) May 14, 2019

Having your 9 year old daughter pack for a sleepover is a great idea, as long as you're fine with her taking 17 stuffed unicorns and no socks.

— Stabbatha Christy (@LoveNLunchmeat) October 6, 2018

My 9 year old has wanted to bake a cake for weeks and today after I finished work we finally did it. Being so busy means it’s easy to forget about making memories with my kids - I can tell she loved every four minutes of it before she went to watch TV and left me to do it all

— threetimedaddy (@threetimedaddy) November 24, 2022

9-year-old: Do I have to go to my sister's choir concert?

Me: Yes.

9: Can I boo?

— James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) May 16, 2022

You think that parenting is going to be all cute quotes and funny memories then you sit down for dinner and your 9yo asks you what you know about the dark web.

— Professional Worrier (@pro_worrier_) April 26, 2020

My 9yo, "it's so hard being a good person." He said this while he did what I asked him to do which was to pick up his mess.

— Marcy G (@BunAndLeggings) October 1, 2022

*paper airplane buzzes my shoulder*


9yo: Sorry Daddy, I was aiming for your head

— Richard Dean (@dad_on_my_feet) December 8, 2020

I was helping my 9yo son clean his room and commented "You have way too much stuff!"

He says "I don't have money. I didn't buy any of this stuff."

Son :1
Mommy: 0

— Mediha (@mediha_m) May 22, 2020

it's safer for me to stick my arm in a beehive than try to talk to my 9yo when he first wakes up in the morning.

— Dadman Walking (@dadmann_walking) July 6, 2022

My 9yo took the time to make this sign rather than just throwing the bag away herself, I’m gonna need a minute pic.twitter.com/1rjqTPWBEC

— SpacedMom (@copymama) April 5, 2022

I played songs from 2000s last night and my 9YO asked me not to play old people music

— Vinod Chhaproo (@Chhapiness) November 13, 2022

9 year old: I can’t sleep.

Me: Let’s think of something relaxing. In your mind’s eye, picture…


— ThisOneSays (@ThisOneSayz) July 13, 2022

My 9 year old has a habit of singing while doing literally everything and right now is reading a book about the Titanic belting out, 🎶they're gonna hit an ice-berrrrrrg 🎶and it's the best thing that happened to me today

— Jessica Valenti (@JessicaValenti) September 26, 2019

My 9yo son took my iphone and in <5 min sent high rez close up shots of my dog's clenched sphincter to the following: my mom, my biz partner, wife, guy I went to grad school with in 2000, HSBC, my accountant, San Diego Blood Bank, and Shake Shack's text bot.

— Drew Sanocki (@drewsanocki) July 21, 2022

Idk what this virtual school is teaching but my 9yo just yelled from the office


— Professional Worrier (@pro_worrier_) September 17, 2020

Pro: My 9-year-old packed her own suitcase.

Con: My 9-year-old packed her own suitcase.

— Jessie (@mommajessiec) August 9, 2021