If you’re a frequent flier, you likely have a routine when it comes to preparing for a long flight. Be it face mist to keep your skin from drying out during the flight or nipping into the loos after a flight to enter your new destination feeling a little fresher and brighter, we all have our rituals.
However, even if you tend to enjoy flying, unless you’re flying first or business class, it’s not usually the most comfortable experience. From limited legroom, to sitting snugly with strangers (not to mention the dry air), it can be a nightmare for the senses and with understandable reason — it has a profound impact on the body, and that can be difficult to ignore.
In fact, flying can be so dangerous that it can cause blood clots that can be fatal if they move to the lungs. However, this is rare.
What happens to your body during a flight?
Flying makes you feel fatigued
According to Cleveland Clinic: “Air pressure is lower at higher altitudes, which means your body takes in less oxygen.
“Airlines ‘pressurise’ the air in the cabin, but not to sea-level pressures, so there’s still less oxygen getting to your body when you fly, which can make you feel drained or even short of breath.”
The clinic recommends walking around the plane every couple of hours, drinking plenty of water and stretching your legs and toes while you are sitting in your seat to combat this.
Impacts your lungs
Did you know that aircrafts have an internal pressure that’s 75% of what we’re used to?
According to the BBC, when you’re flying, you’re experiencing the same altitude as residents of Mexico City, which is more than 2,200 metres above sea level.
The BBC added: “We’re usually capable of coping with this change but it could have an adverse effect on people with long-standing lung conditions.
“For example, the reduced air pressure can have an impact on people with serious asthma.”
The BBC recommends avoiding caffeine and caffeinated drinks where possible as they can dehydrate you even further.
Slows down your digestive system
According to Michael J. Manyak, a physician that spoke with National Geographic, sitting still for long periods of times means we often “do not get the physical stimulation to the intestines”.
The physician added that acid reflux can also come from a slumped posture and can even cause nausea.
So, in short: stay hydrated, stay active, and try to sit up straight where possible. Got it.