34 Tweets About The Unique Joys Of Parenting Tweens

"Congrats to my tween for graduating at the top of his class from eye roll university."

Tweens: they defy categorisation and surprise you at every turn. They roll their eyes at your jokes, eat all your food, get embarrassed by your mere presence ... and can still count on your unconditional love.

If you’re worried that you may have completely messed up this whole parenting thing, then it’s definitely possible that your child is a tween. Also, you may relate to some of these funny tweets about what it’s really like to parent such mysterious creatures. Read them below:

My tween talks a lot of smack for someone whose entire social existence currently depends on MY Wifi.

— Stephanie Ortiz (@Six_Pack_Mom) August 12, 2020

My 11 year old son screams “I found a hair” at least 10X/daily as he eagerly inspects his (hairless) armpits. Followed by the declaration, “I’m a Man!” 🙄🤣#pitsniffer #boys #thatslint

— Maryfairyboberry🧚🏻♀️ (@maryfairybobrry) February 11, 2019

Driving my 11 yo daughter and her tween friends around.

The things I said:

“You guys are loud!”
“This music is terrible!”
“Ok. Calm down back there.”
“The air conditioning is high enough”

That life switch happened for me guys. I’m not the new father anymore. I’m the Dad.

— ᴇʟɪᴀꜱ ᴛᴏᴜꜰᴇxɪꜱ 🖖 (@EliasToufexis) June 28, 2021

If your tween daughter says “it’s fiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnne” just know it’s probably not fine.

— Claudia (@ccanton2) March 2, 2023

I scolded my sons for tossing the decorative couch pillows at each other: "I didn't buy those pillows so you could throw them around."

Tween daughter breezes through the room and comments: "Technically, they're called throw pillows."

— Susan Muaddi Darraj 📚✒️ (@SusanDarraj) September 19, 2019

12: *says he’s bored*

Me: great, why don’t you-

12: *walking away* nah I’m good

— Snarky Mommy (@SnarkyMommy78) November 20, 2021

Kids are sentimental over the weirdest shit. My tween begged me not to throw away his old retainer so I put it under his dad’s pillow.

— @itssherifield (@itssherifield) February 13, 2023

as a millennial dad I’ve never not been Too Online so I know the best combination of buzzwords to maximize being annoying to my tween; she got a meatball sub for lunch and I said “oh she in her marinara era for real” and the eye roll could have powered our house for a year

— WET ARMADILLO (@BauceSauce) September 7, 2023

Toddler mom: please take a second bite of chicken

Tween mom: please do not eat an entire second chicken

— Laura Marie (@lmegordon) December 12, 2021

Tween: “Happy Birthday mom! How’s it feel to be one day closer to death?”

Kids are the best.

— Meg St-Esprit (@MegStEsprit) October 14, 2022

When my son was a toddler, I understood 60% of the words he said, and now that he’s a tween I understand 60% of the words he says.

— Jessie (@mommajessiec) March 29, 2021

It’s been a tough time lately as my son is going through the dreaded “terrible twos”

He’s nearly 12, but still

— threetimedaddy (@threetimedaddy) September 9, 2021

Called 11 bro in front of his friends so they’d know I was a cool mom.

— Professional Worrier (@pro_worrier_) July 28, 2019

My tween daughter, who believes Crocs are the pinnacle of fashion, just saw a picture of 12 yo me with bangs and iridescent lip gloss, and said “ew” coupled with a sneer of utter disgust.

— Rachel Sobel (@whinecheezits) February 17, 2021

12: Mom, I don't like it when you wear makeup, you look desperate.

Thanks for reading.

— cathryn 💚🇨🇦 (@AngryRaccoon2) April 27, 2018

My tween claims he’s learned nothing in middle school but the uncontrollable giggling when he scored 69 points on a game suggests otherwise

— I Hide From My Kids (@IHideFromMyKids) September 19, 2022

Congrats to my tween for graduating at the top of his class from eye roll university.

— @itssherifield (@itssherifield) January 29, 2024

I thought renaming twitter to "X" would be an idea only a 12 year old boy would love, but my 12 year old thinks it's stupid and "sucks butt"

— Schmrrrrrlex (@alexlumaga) July 23, 2023

Shopping with my tween & he says I’m “cramping his style”. Oh, ok kid wearing the same shorts 3 days in a row that keeps forgetting deodorant, which style is that?

— Mommy Needs A Life (@mom_needsalife) August 26, 2019

Me: Are you eating chips in the living room?

11: C’mon Mom, I promise I won’t sp- (already spilling the entire bag)-ill

— Sara Says Stop (@PetrickSara) October 14, 2019

11: can I see one of your last tweets?

Me: *pulls up tweet*

11: no, I meant a funny one

— Snarky Mommy (@SnarkyMommy78) October 13, 2020

My tween, who wanted money, told me I don’t look a day over 41. I’m 40.

— I Hide From My Kids (@IHideFromMyKids) February 23, 2023

What’s it like having a tween daughter? Imagine being the subject of a Comedy Central Roast for 14 hours a day.

— SpacedMom (@copymama) March 17, 2021

No one can put you in your place faster than a tween girl.

— Katie D (@KatieDeal99) December 18, 2021

11 wanted to learn to levitate for her birthday but read that “adults don’t believe in magic or whatever, so I guess forget it,” and asked for a gift card instead, thus commencing her tween years in predictable fashion.

— NicholasG (@Dad_At_Law) March 21, 2021

Going to have to hire a National Geographic photographer to come into my home and camouflage themselves as a new end table for a few months, if I ever want to see my tween son smiling in a photo.

— Sara Says Stop (@PetrickSara) June 11, 2020

11’s friend is staying the night and he goes “At 11 years old I’ve discovered the meaning of life, and I don’t like it”

I like this kid

— Professional Worrier (@pro_worrier_) August 7, 2019

Every time a tween rolls her eyes, a mother sprouts a new gray hair.

— Rachel Sobel (@whinecheezits) January 9, 2020

Today is my daughter's 11th. Birthday.

11 is a weird age gift wise.

She wanted a Hydro flask, a trip Build a Bear and her cartilage pierced.


— hahahaheater ❄️🌨️☃️ (@dishs_up) December 29, 2019

Tween: I NEED to text my friend back.

Text they immediately need to respond to: 🐬 🌈 ⭐️

— Jessie (@mommajessiec) May 20, 2022

Doctor: What brings you i—


— Ramblin Mama (@ramblinma) August 24, 2023

Me: "You need to shower today."

11y.o: "What? Why?! It's only been a day!"

Me: ...

11: "Ok, two days. But-"

Me: ...

11: "Maybe three? What day is it?"

Me: ...

11: "FINE. I'll go shower."

— Stephanie Ortiz (@Six_Pack_Mom) May 11, 2020

"What do you want for breakfast?"
12: toast and jam.

Day 2.
"What do you want for breakfast?"
12: toast and jam.

Day 3.
I know! I'll just surprise her with toast and jam.
12: I don't like that.

— cathryn 💚🇨🇦 (@AngryRaccoon2) September 13, 2018