5 Cute Animals To End The Week: Dog Downs Parmesan Block, Prompts 'Tw*t Dogs' Thread

The greedy pooch "chinned the lot in 10 minutes".
Getty Images

Happy (Scorchio) Friday! Dog owners are being warned to consider their pooches’ health this weekend with the weather expected to reach a staggering 30 degrees Celsius in some parts of the UK.

Dr Brian Faulkner, resident vet for Petplan, has urged owners to not leave dogs in hot cars and to take simple precautions like walking them earlier or later in the day, once temperatures are cooler. “Always ensuring that they have access to cold water can make the difference between your pet enjoying the sun with the rest of us or experiencing potentially fatal heatstroke,” he said.

With that important health warning out of the way, here’s our weekly instalment of Animals Of The Week (#AOTW).

1. Dog Eats Wedge Of Parmesan, Sparks Tender Moment Of Solidarity Between Dog Owners.

It’s often cats who get a bad rap for being little hell-bats but this time it’s the canine community that’s being publicly shamed – and for good reason. Beauty writer Sali Hughes was shocked to discover her beloved pooch had devoured a wedge of Parmesan, a gift from an Italian friend, in the space of 10 minutes. #NoRegrets

This is the face of an absolute arsehole who stole an entire wedge of Parmesan sent to us by an Italian friend, and chinned the lot in under ten minutes. #twatdogs pic.twitter.com/ruCMbScn4M

— Sali Hughes (@salihughes) June 25, 2019

Enraged, Hughes took to Twitter to vent and her tweet sparked a moment of solidarity for dog owners who decided it was time to let loose on all the outrageous things their dogs have eaten/done. To summarise: dogs are angel faces but they can also be arseholes.

Snout in the pavlova before human intervention got here. pic.twitter.com/Z1YeG5cJVz

— Richard Coles (@RevRichardColes) June 26, 2019

On Sunday, 4 artisanal, heinously expensive, strawberry, meringue and cream doughnuts - not a flicker of shame pic.twitter.com/5G3bifQJrv

— tessa murray (@tessaamurray) June 25, 2019

Ate 5 Mr Kipling fruit pies, managed to remove them from the foil which I was quite impressed by. Absolutely no remorse. pic.twitter.com/a5CNyj05l3

— Nicola Maksymuik (@nmaksymuik) June 26, 2019

This is my gorgeous, sweet, 6mnth old Jack Russell Marvel. Marvel owes me a pair of shoes, a phone charger, a pair of earphones, and as of today, a tube of hand cream. Arsehole. pic.twitter.com/lUotbxaO7S

— Nikki (@pintsizeheroine) June 25, 2019

This idiot ate an entire wheel of Brie on Christmas Eve and spent Jesus’ birthday being very sick indeed. pic.twitter.com/GxSR0xxtzq

— Kate Traill (@TraillKate) June 25, 2019

Once Henry ate a whole box of tissues. Shat them out like a magician's hanky for DAYS. Absolute dick. pic.twitter.com/N79mgQQY31

— Heidi Stephens (@heidistephens) June 27, 2019

2. Greg James’ Doggy Love-In.

BBC Radio 1 presenter Greg James took to Twitter on Tuesday to wish his rescue doggo a happy first birthday – and it was equal parts hilarious and cute. “This wanker is 1 today and I love him so much,” he wrote. “Thanks Battersea for initially ruining our lives but eventually making it 8000 times better. Can’t imagine life without him.”

This wanker is 1 today and I love him so much. Thanks @Battersea_ for initially ruining our lives but eventually making it 8000 times better. Can’t imagine life without him pic.twitter.com/ebeWmBqIOV

— Greg James (@gregjames) June 25, 2019

3. A Whole Village Will Throw This Lucky Cat A Birthday Party.

Cats will one day rule the world and this, dear reader, is proof. One busy feline in the village of Ruddington has been working on the entire population to the point where they’re all wrapped around his little claw. On 7 July, the village will come together to throw the local celebrity, called Wilbur, a 10th birthday party.

He was originally owned by Cathy Applebee, a resident of Ruddington near Nottingham, but decided to break out on his own when she took in two rescue kittens a few years ago. Now Wilbur, known as the King of Ruddington, has become a local celebrity with his own Facebook and Instagram pages.

PA / HuffPost UK

He can often be found mooching around the village – and the locals absolutely love him. Because we like to treat you, here are four pictures of Wilbur being a social butterfly.

Checking on the fish.
Alan Goodwin/PA
Checking on the fish.
Popping to the Building Society.
Lesley Harper/PA
Popping to the Building Society.
Popping for a pint.
Alan Goodwin/PA
Popping for a pint.
Gianfranco Forlenza/PA

4. Pet Photo Unveils A Shocking Truth.

When your cat is plotting to kill you but your dog is trying to warn you.. pic.twitter.com/K5IPgBLlB7

— Land of cuteness (@landpsychology) June 23, 2019

5. Piglet Is Living Its Best Life – As A Sheep.

Saving the best until last... Alistair the piglet was born the runt of her litter. Sadly she was rejected by her mother and had to be hand-weaned by staff at Houghall Farm, East Durham College, before being put in a pen next to some orphaned lambs.

Ewe will never believe this, though. Not content with being neighbours, she would routinely escape to visit the lambs. Now they all live together, with Alistair firmly believing she’s part of the flock.
