As somebody that used to believe that there was nothing more decadent than an entire block of brie after a night out, I do not have much of a high horse when it comes to other people’s guilty pleasures.
However, upon reading a Reddit thread titled, “What is socially acceptable but you still shouldn’t do it?”, I’m starting to think that my cheesy indulgence might actually be forgivable.
Don’t read these while you’re eating...
The top-rated comment was about a person after my own heart, saying: “I saw someone sat on a bench eating a ball of mozzarella like an apple once”
What can I say, us soft cheese aficianados don’t need crackers.
User Effective_witness_63 (probably shouldn’t have) admitted: “I’ve drank pots of yoghurt in public before, people do look at you like you’re some kind of savage tho lol.”
Spoons exist for a reason!!!
Another added a story about a customer at their old workplace, saying that the customer would buy a steak bake and milk and then “take a bite then swig before chewing it all up together.”
They added that this was the customer’s Saturday treat, to which Glitterkelxo responded: “I wish I never read this.”
Huge mood.
User Doorwedge added a comment that actually made me gasp VERY loudly, saying: ”[I] Had a temp job in a warehouse and as part of a guys lunch he ate 3 Oxo cubes straight out of the foil.”
Heartburn?! No?!
Commenter The_cake_in_Matilda added: “Guy at my old work (supermarket) used to get a full Victoria Sponge, sit in the break room with a fork and go to town on one......EVERY SINGLE SHIFT.”
A king, a hero, and frankly, not somebody that deserves judgement from the monstrosity that was the cake in Matilda.
The one that really made me gag, made me question humanity and wonder if there is any good in the world, though, was: “I once was on a bus when a guy reached into his bag and picked out an onion which he preceded to eat like an apple.”