6 Reasons Why Working Out Is Way Easier When You Do It In A Group

A training professional we spoke to says it's best to grab a group of your favourite people and get down to the gym.
Exercising with friends can lead to better results.
Exercising with friends can lead to better results.
John Fedele

Even if you started a new exercise regime with the best intentions, there are times when finding the motivation to maintain the momentum can be difficult. One of the best ways to help you get over that hump is to join a group activity like an exercise class at your local gym or a running club. Adding a social aspect to your workouts can help keep you interested and avoid the boredom that is often a stumbling block in staying the course.


According to Ceri Hannan, Virgin Active South Africa's national product development manager, there are several reasons why group training works best.


A scheduled class is diarised and automatically leads to greater commitment. A big incentive is to not fall behind because of missing out on the new moves learned in the next class.

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