8 Funny Tweets That'll Have You Laughing Into The Weekend

From a gecko art gallery to a seriously bad haircut, these tweets will give you a much-needed boost.
InnaPoka via Getty Images

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We may be living through a lockdown, but that doesn’t mean we’ve stopped having a giggle. Social media has been on point this week, delivering the funny videos and pictures we all need to lift our spirits.

Homegrown comedians, we salute you and your valiant efforts. Here are just eight tweets that made us laugh out loud.

1. Millionaire wannabes can’t wave.

Obsessed with this thread (please watch them all). Obsessed with ITV’s Quiz.

Inspired by #Quiz and due to having nothing better to do... here are some of my favourite ‘waves’ from hopeful contestants on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire.

Starting with this dainty effort from Brian. pic.twitter.com/f5NaoHTZtU

— Jake Graham (@AlbionJake) April 15, 2020

2. The human water fountain.

Sound up – this kid’s laugh is everything.

This is funny and cute and has just given me a much needed laugh.
[sound up] pic.twitter.com/x7ZIYxelrk

— Amanda (@Pandamoanimum) April 13, 2020

3. Just a gecko art gallery.

We do love a bit of art gecko. But seriously, we applaud this effort.

fuck it gecko art museum pic.twitter.com/AFkwVb1Q6y

— AJP (@poolerity) April 13, 2020

4. Don’t quit your day job, Emily Maitlis.

The Newsnight presenter’s home haircut fail is so bad, it’s impressive.

Yes, I did used to work in a hairdressers.
No, I didn’t learn to use clippers.
Yes, he did ask me to help with this against all my better instincts
No, we are not currently talking ... pic.twitter.com/TibA2j6ON0

— emily m (@maitlis) April 14, 2020

5. The cat who got rainbow-ed.

Werk it, chalk is the new black. He almost looks... metallic?

You guys, my black cat accidentally rolled in sidewalk chalk. pic.twitter.com/0HB0Hjb8v6

— Ian Dorsch (@IanDorsch) April 13, 2020

6. Comedian is a lyrical genius.

No, these aren’t the right words. Yes, they’re better ones. Comedian Bec Hill is a genius. Watching this video is three minutes well spent.

What was the last lyric you had to look up online? 😂 @bechillcomedian pic.twitter.com/xLNEMv7SMe

— BBC Radio 6 Music (@BBC6Music) April 13, 2020

7. This home recreation of Romeo and Juliet.

A personal favourite from Alex Horne’s #HomeTasking challenge, where he’s asking the public to complete a series of tasks using nothing but themselves and things in their house. Task 7? Silently recreate an iconic movie moment...

#hometasking 7 Romeo and Juliet pic.twitter.com/BlqzGrphgP

— Amanda Simonsen (@AmandaSimonse14) April 9, 2020

8. The pup who’s yet to master drinking.

Water we going to do with you?

this is saint, he's still figuring out this whole drinking thing
(saint.thegsd IG) pic.twitter.com/rIDJg5aeLK

— Humor And Animals (@humorandanimals) April 6, 2020