9 Things Vegetarians Want You To Know About Ditching Meat From Your Diet

It's tough at the start – but it gets easier. πŸ₯¦πŸŒ½πŸ…

With a growing number or people going vegan and veggie in the UK, we asked people on Twitter who’ve made the switch what people should know about ditching meat.

Here’s what they had to say:

1. People have managed it just fine for years

It’s easy to do. My great grandma was vegi in the 1800s in Eastern Europe with no central heating or tofu ... so 2019 it’s a cinch :)

β€” Emma Sinclair MBE (@ES_Entrepreneur) May 8, 2019

2. It could make you more imaginative with food

you can eat a much more interesting, diverse range of foods once you cut meat out - meat can make you so unimaginative

β€” Miranda Larbi (@MirandaLarbi) May 9, 2019

Eating meat keeps most people unimaginative and samey when cooking meals. Being forced to find alternatives (after going pescetarian and then vegan) has made me a significantly better chef (and in a roundabout way led to the job I have!).

β€” Flora Beverley (@F_F_Flora) May 9, 2019

3. There are loads of meat substitutes you can enjoy

being veggie is far easier and more versatile than staunch meat eaters realize. There is a quorn/meat-free version of almost every meat product. Don't be afraid to try something new - jack fruit is amazing.

β€” Janine Pipe (@disneynine) May 9, 2019

I gave up meat because I didn't want animals to die for my dinner. It doesn't mean I don't (still) like the taste.

So, please don't say: "why are you eating @QuornFoods nuggets or @LindaFoods Vegetarian Hoisin Duck, why not just eat meat?"

β€” Ruth Harrison-Davies (@itsonlymeruth) May 9, 2019

4. Veggies can still have a balanced diet

That you can still reach your protein goals, you just have to be prepared to shop wisely and plan your meals

β€” Ruth Dawson (@ruth_91) May 8, 2019

It is a healthier alternative and better for the environment, and so easy to do. It will stretch you creatively and make you think outside the box, and so completely worth doing. Indians have done it for centuries!

β€” Dr Pragya Agarwal FRSA (@DrPragyaAgarwal) May 8, 2019

5. You’ll feel great knowing you’ve saved some animals

Cute lamb videos are so much cuter! But seriously, I've only been veggie for about 9 months but it was so much easier than I expected. There are some great meat substitutes out there. According to this calculator https://t.co/pCjOIlgRQt I've substituted 151 animals πŸ˜ƒπŸ·πŸπŸ„

β€” Kelly Atkin (@HeresKelly) May 9, 2019

6. It’s not just meat you’ll need to give up to be veggie

It’s not just meat that vegetarians don’t eat, it’s also things like rennet and gelatin. Chefs and restaurants need to understand this because so many places put eg. regular Parmesan (with rennet) in their lame veggie option and just assume it’s ok β€˜because it’s cheese’ πŸ™„πŸ™ˆπŸ˜–πŸŒ±

β€” Sarah McGiven (@FightForYrWrite) May 8, 2019

7. It doesn’t have to be expensive

It's a myth that plant-based (or healthy eating generally) is expensive. You've only got to look at the prices for veggie options on restaurant menus to see that the ingredients are usually cheaper.

β€” Lucy Aditi (@Lucy_Aditi) May 9, 2019

8. You’ll have the support of longtime veggies and vegans

Whether you're doing meat-free Monday, Pescatarian or just cutting down, I'm proud of you and will do anything I can to support you. There are so many amazing meat replacements now! We're not all as judgmental as the media often perceives us :)

β€” Jasmine Granton (@GrantonJasmine) May 9, 2019

9. And if you’re finding it tough at the start don’t worry, it gets easier

Get through the first week or two of feeling hungry and craving flesh and it's easy from there on. And upping veggie protein intake with beans/lentils really helps.

β€” Stephen Glennon (@stephenglennon) May 9, 2019