9 Thoughtful Cards For Someone Going Through A Tough Time

Show someone you care when they need it most.

When someone you know is going through a tough time, it can be hard to know what to say.

You might be cautious about making a huge deal out of it, or bringing it up when they don’t feel like talking about it. Simultaneously, you want them to know you care. A little handwritten note or message can do the trick, but sometimes a card can be a bit special.

While the message might not quite be “get well soon” or “thank you”, a gentle “I’m thinking of you” can go a long way.

On Mental Health Awareness Week, here are our favourite cards for reminding someone you care when they’re going through a tough time.


I Got You Babe Postcard, Paperchase, 80p

KitschNoir on Etsy
HamAndPickle on Etsy
WeArePaperPlane on Etsy

We’re All Thinking Of You, We Are Paper Plane on Etsy, £2.95

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