Videos Show Kabul Protesters Rising Up Against The Taliban

Afghanistan's capital was trying to peacefully push back after the last stronghold of resistance fell.

Anger mounting on the streets of Kabul, people chanting "freedom" and "death to Pakistan". The demonstrators, many of them women, are in the centre of the Afghan capital #Afghanistan

— Yalda Hakim (@BBCYaldaHakim) September 7, 2021

Afghan protests were suppressed by the Taliban on Tuesday as new videos reveal the “anger mounting on the streets of Kabul”.

BBC correspondent Yalda Hakim tweeted a clip of an extensive crowd – including women – marching through Afghanistan’s capital, shouting “freedom” and “death to Pakistan”.

It’s believed the demonstrators were protesting against Pakistan’s alleged interference in the Panjshir valley, the last stronghold of resistance against the Taliban which the terror group claimed to have conquered on Monday.

However, it was not long before the Taliban suppressed the protest.

Photojournalist Andrew Quilty tweeted: “For several kilometres well-disciplined Taliban members allowed a protest of approx 300-500 to continue through the streets of Kabul.

“Talibs guarding Zankbak Square, however, fired in the air, beat protesters, vandalised a vehicle leading them and tore cameras from journalists.”

He included a 16-second clip of several militants firing randomly into the streets of Kabul.

Notably, Reuters reported that there were no injuries.

For several kilometres well-disciplined Taliban members allowed a protest of approx 300-500 to continue through the streets of Kabul. Talibs guarding Zanbak Square, however, fired in the air, beat protesters, vandalised a vehicle leading them and tore cameras from journalists.

— Andrew Quilty (@andrewquilty) September 7, 2021

His claim was backed up a tweet from Hakim, which included a short clip of Taliban fighters firing guns to “disperse” the protesters, and other tweets claiming those in the media documenting the demonstration had been arrested.

Gunfire to disperse the protesters in Kabul #Afghanistan

— Yalda Hakim (@BBCYaldaHakim) September 7, 2021

Breaking: Taliban have arrested Journalists and cameramen who were covering today’s protest in Kabul. #Afghanistan

— Zahra Rahimi (@ZahraSRahimi) September 7, 2021

Our reporter has just been released

— Saad Mohseni (@saadmohseni) September 7, 2021

What were the protests about?

The Taliban took over the majority of Afghanistan last month, but claimed victory over the allegedly impenetrable valley of Panjshir on Monday.

The region did not fall during repeated invasions from the USSR in the 80s nor the Taliban back in the 90s, meaning it surprised many that the rebels in the area fell to the militants so quickly.

The so-called National Resistance Front based in Panjshir have also claimed that the Taliban has not conquered the region.

Pakistan, Afghanistan’s neighbour, is now facing allegations that it interfered and aided the Taliban during its takeover of Panjshir.

Pakistan’s prime minister Imran Khan did appear to side with the terror group, even claiming the militants were “breaking the chains of slavery” when they conquered Afghanistan in August.

It has been claimed that Pakistan even aided the Taliban through military material and logistical support during the US’ so-called “war on terror”.

Pakistan was also one of the few nations to formally recognise the Taliban government in the 90s.

But the country is still concerned about Islamist terror groups launching attacks on its border, including Isis-K and Al Qaeda – meaning it needs Taliban to act firmly.

Pakistan also wants to avoid a refugee crisis, considering it already grapples with three million Afghan refugees after years of war, leading many to assume the nation intends to work with the Taliban.

Iran has already criticised Pakistan for supposedly aiding the blockade of Panjshir.

On Monday, Iran’s foreign ministry spokesperson Saeed Khatibzadeh said: “Last night’s attacks are condemned in the strongest terms...and the foreign interference...must be investigated.”

A group of Afghans stage a protest against Pakistan on Tuesday, September 7
A group of Afghans stage a protest against Pakistan on Tuesday, September 7
Anadolu Agency via Getty Images
Women shouting in Kabul before the Taliban suppressed the protest
Women shouting in Kabul before the Taliban suppressed the protest
Anadolu Agency via Getty Images
Crowds of Afghans were fighting back against Pakistan after Panjshir alleged fell
Crowds of Afghans were fighting back against Pakistan after Panjshir alleged fell
HOSHANG HASHIMI via Getty Images
Afghan women shout anti-Pakistan slogans during the protest
Afghan women shout anti-Pakistan slogans during the protest
HOSHANG HASHIMI via Getty Images

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