Ainsley Harriott has reassured fans that his sister Jacqueline is well after she tripped over and fell into a water feature at the Chelsea Flower Show.
Jacqueline was treated by paramedics at the event after the TV chef and other VIP guests pulled her from the water.
On Monday afternoon, Ainsley thanked those who had rushed to help his sister, tweeting: “Just a big thank you to everyone who helped my sister when she had a fall at the Chelsea Flower Show this morning.”
He added: “She’s doing fine and all is well.”
One guest told The Sun: “The garden was packed with lots of people and I think the woman must have fallen into the pond or tripped over and ended up in the water.
“I think she nearly drowned. She was pulled out by Ainsley Harriott and some other celebrities before they laid her down on the floor. She was coughing up lots of water.”
Photographs from the event show the former Ready Steady Cook host by Jacqueline’s side as she lay on the ground after being pulled from the water feature.
Matt Peskett, an RHS volunteer who saw the accident, told The Telegraph barriers have been put in place to stop it happening again.
He said: “There were 30 or 40 celebs out and they were all drinking champagne. And then all of a sudden one of the guests stepped backwards and fell in. They fully fell in, not just a foot.
“I hope they don’t keep it like this tomorrow – it would be a shame.”

The Royal Horticultural Society, which puts on the Chelsea Flower Show, has said it is investigating what happened.
“The guest was quickly attended to by on-site medical professionals and we are pleased to say is now home and well,” the organisation said.
The incident comes after Buckingham Palace indicated that the Queen was hoping to make an appearance at the annual flower and gardens show.
Other members of the Royal Family will be visiting the show today ahead of the official opening on Tuesday.
The list includes the Earl and Countess of Wessex, Princess Beatrice, the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, the Duke of Kent, Prince and Princess Michael of Kent and Princess Alexandra.