Alastair Campbell Expelled From Labour For Voting Lib Dem

Former spinner for Tony Blair says he is "disappointed" and may launch legal challenge.

Alastair Campbell has been kicked out of the Labour Party for voting Liberal Democrat at the European elections.

Tony Blair’s former communications director backed the rival party over its support for a second Brexit referendum, he revealed during an interview on LBC on Sunday.

Labour emailed Campbell on Tuesday to tell him that his actions were “incompatible with party membership”.

Campbell, who has been a long-standing advocate for a so-called people’s vote on EU membership, tweeted that he was “sad and disappointed” by the news – and that he may launch a legal challenge.

1. Sad and disappointed to receive email expelling me from @uklabour - particularly on a day leadership finally seems to be moving to the right place on Brexit, not least thanks to tactical voting by party members, including MPs, councillors and peers who back @peoplesvote_uk .

— Alastair PEOPLE’S VOTE Campbell (@campbellclaret) May 28, 2019

2. I was not intending to publicise this at this stage, but have had calls from friends in the Party telling me it is now widely known and likely to be leaked. I have been advised by lawyers with expertise in this field I have grounds for appeal against expulsion and shall do so

— Alastair PEOPLE’S VOTE Campbell (@campbellclaret) May 28, 2019

3. I am and always will be Labour. I voted Lib Dem, without advance publicity, to try to persuade Labour to do right thing for country/party. In light of appeal, I won't be doing media on this. But hard not to point out difference in the way anti-Semitism cases have been handled.

— Alastair PEOPLE’S VOTE Campbell (@campbellclaret) May 28, 2019

4. Plenty of precedent of members voting for other parties/causes. Some are now senior Party staff. Approach also contrasts with our era when TB was being pressed by whips to withdraw whip for JC and others for persistently voting against @UKLabour in Parliament, and he said No

— Alastair PEOPLE’S VOTE Campbell (@campbellclaret) May 28, 2019

Labour has faced an avalanche of criticism from its pro-EU membership over its Brexit policy.

Jeremy Corbyn’s position has been to push for a general election while keeping a second Brexit referendum as “an option on the table”.

The news provoked strong criticism from Labour MPs, including Wes Streeting and Jess Phillips, who said the party expelled Campbell within two days but had failed to promptly expel members over anti-Semitism - something which the party has been repeatedly accused of but Labour strongly denies.

It came as the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) confirmed it would investigated the party over whether it “unlawfully discriminated against, harassed or victimised people because they are Jewish”.

Very sorry to see this. Though in awe at how quickly the Party can expedite expulsions when the political will exists. Hope @EHRC spot the difference.

— Wes Streeting MP (@wesstreeting) May 28, 2019

It seems the leadership of my party can move remarkably quickly to expel long standing members like @campbellclaret but it can’t seem to bring itself to expel anti-semites. This can’t carry on.

— Darren Jones MP (@darrenpjones) May 28, 2019

Yep I do have thoughts, he was expelled quicker than a man who threatened to kill me, quicker than a man in my CLP who denied the Holocaust, both are only still suspended.

— Jess Phillips (@jessphillips) May 28, 2019

So @campbellclaret who did more than most to get Labour into Government gets expelled in an instant while anti semitism cases sit for months without conclusion. Reveals much about the culture at the top of LP.

— Pat McFadden (@patmcfaddenmp) May 28, 2019

Amazing how quickly the party disciplinary machine can move when it wants to.... 🤨#EnoughIsEnough

— stellacreasy (@stellacreasy) May 28, 2019

Since the party suffered heavy losses to Vince Cable’s party at the European parliament poll, leading party figures have indicated Brexit policy may shift.

A Labour spokesman said: “Support for another political party or candidate is incompatible with Party membership.

“The Lib Dems cannot and will not end austerity. They cannot bring our country together or be trusted to deliver on their promises. They propped up the Tories for five years and imposed the austerity that has devastated our communities.

“Labour will do things very differently, and ensure our society is run for the benefit of the many, not just a privileged few.”


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