Aleppo Residents' Heartbreaking Goodbyes Describe The Horror Of What Is Happening In Syria's Second City

'They are just hours away from killing us..'

Heartbreaking messages from people living in Aleppo, Syria portray the horror of the current situation in the besieged city.

The Syrian army and its allies are in the “last moments before declaring victory” in Aleppo, a Syrian military source said, after rebel defences collapsed on Monday, leaving insurgents in a tiny, heavily bombarded pocket of ground.

And as the battle enters its final hours, those who remain in the embattled east of the city have sent powerful, sobering last messages.

My name is Bana, I'm 7 years old. I am talking to the world now live from East #Aleppo. This is my last moment to either live or die. - Bana

— Bana Alabed (@AlabedBana) December 13, 2016

My dad is injured now. I am crying.-Bana #Aleppo

— Bana Alabed (@AlabedBana) December 12, 2016

Final message - people are dying since last night. I am very surprised I am tweeting right now & still alive. - Fatemah #Aleppo

— Bana Alabed (@AlabedBana) December 12, 2016

I would like to thank all the humans whose stood for the humanity with our case, i will never forget you if we passed to the other life

— Monther Etaky (@montheretaky) December 12, 2016

To everyone who can hear me!#SaveAleppo#SaveHumanity

— Lina shamy (@Linashamy) December 12, 2016

Oh God .. wake us from this nightmare ..#Aleppo is being erased & more than 50.000 are under risk of being killed.
Mostly women & child.

— Zouhir_AlShimale (@ZouhirAlShimale) December 12, 2016

Baby died out of cold & freezing weather in #Aleppo
Dozens of families are in the streets with no shelters & many are dying until now.

— Zouhir_AlShimale (@ZouhirAlShimale) December 13, 2016

Perhaps my final message from E. Aleppo. Regime forces are closing in and bunker busters are raining down.

— Bilal Abdul Kareem (@BilalKareem) December 12, 2016

U guess it's goodbye..
Thanks all who stand for us and pay for us.
But it's almost over and they are just hours away of killing us

— Rami Zien (@Rami_Zien) December 12, 2016

It is the doomsday inside Aleppo. Bombs bombs are over the head of civilians. people are running running but don't know where to go.

— @Mr.Alhamdo (@Mr_Alhamdo) December 12, 2016

this is a call and might be the last call.
Save Aleppo people. Save my daughter and other children. #StandWithAleppo

— @Mr.Alhamdo (@Mr_Alhamdo) December 12, 2016

Why is this silence?
People are being eliminated.
people are on lying on streets injured and no one to help them.

— @Mr.Alhamdo (@Mr_Alhamdo) December 12, 2016

Don't stand without a movement. go in demonstrations to prevent eliminating 150000 people inside Aleppo. Russia and Assad want elimination.

— @Mr.Alhamdo (@Mr_Alhamdo) December 12, 2016

Don't wait for more time. Handeds of souls are dying every hour. save the rest.
Now now is the time to show your humanity for people here.

— @Mr.Alhamdo (@Mr_Alhamdo) December 12, 2016

I can tweet now but I might not do it forever. please save my daughter's life and others. this is a call from a father.

— @Mr.Alhamdo (@Mr_Alhamdo) December 12, 2016

Understand this. I can't simply surrender and being captive. I am speaking out and this is a crime. I might then ask death and not got it.

— @Mr.Alhamdo (@Mr_Alhamdo) December 12, 2016

the last massage. Thanks for everything. we shared many moments. The last tweets were from an emotiomal father. Farewell, #Aleppo

— @Mr.Alhamdo (@Mr_Alhamdo) December 12, 2016

It comes as the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) urges those fighting in Syria’s Aleppo to do all they can to protect and spare civilian lives.

The ICRC says in a statement on Tuesday that thousands of people with no part in the violence “have literally nowhere safe to run.”

The dramatic appeal came after Syrian military announced the previous day it gained control of 99 percent of the former opposition enclave in eastern Aleppo, signaling an impending end to the rebels’ four-year hold over parts of the city.

ICRC says a deepening humanitarian catastrophe and further loss of life can be averted only if the basic rules of warfare - and of humanity - are applied.

Retaking Aleppo would be President Bashar Assad’s biggest victory yet in the civil war, the Associated Press reported.

Meanwhile the UN has described a “complete meltdown of humanity” in Aleppo with pro-government forces reportedly entering homes and killing dozens of civilians - including women and children.


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