Alison Hammond And Vanessa Feltz Under Fire For Comments Over Singing Along At Musicals

On Friday, two disruptive audience members were thrown out of the Manchester production of The Bodyguard musical for singing loudly.
(L-R) Alison Hammond and Vanessa Feltz
(L-R) Alison Hammond and Vanessa Feltz

This Morning has come under fire over comments made by presenter Alison Hammond and guest Vanessa Feltz about singing along at musicals, which were branded “incredibly stupid”.

On Thursday’s programme, Alison and co-host Dermot O’Leary were joined by guest Vanessa Feltz where they discussed the banning of singing at the Manchester production of The Bodyguard musical.

Ahead of each performance at the Palace Theatre, staff carry signs asking the audience to ‘refrain from singing’.

Reading off a script during Friday’s show, Alison said that staff were taking the new rules “very, very seriously” and are “regularly walking up and down the aisles.”

As Dermot burst into laughter, Alison said: “I can’t believe it. I’d be devastated. I’m not even going to go to that show now.”

Should people be allowed to sing at theatres? 🎭 After one theatre in Manchester banned audiences from singing along, @VanessaOnAir has her say...

— This Morning (@thismorning) April 6, 2023

Vanessa then added: “Isn’t the whole point of going to a musical that you know that you sing along to all the bits you know and when you don’t know the words you just make them up.

“Isn’t that what everybody does? And very, very loudly while eating an ice cream.”

On Friday evening, two audience members were thrown out of Manchester’s Palace Theatre for singing loudly along to I Will Always Love You, which caused the production of The Bodyguard to be cut short.

Many viewers and performers have shared their outrage over the comments made on This Morning, with theatre actor Alice Fearn, who stars in the musical Wicked, describing them as “so incredibly stupid”.

“Who the hell do they think you are?! I am incredibly disappointed with all of the presenters here,” Alice tweeted.

“To actually think you have the RIGHT to sing along to a professional production is mind-blowing to me. If you want that… go to karaoke. I’m totally furious.”

I have SO much to say about this I don’t even know where to start! This is so incredibly stupid. Who the hell do they think you are?!

I am incredibly disappointed with all of the presenters here. @VanessaOnAir @AlisonHammond @thismorning @radioleary

— Alice Fearn (@alice_fearn) April 7, 2023

To actually think you have the RIGHT to sing along to a professional production is mind blowing to me. If you want that… go to karaoke. I’m totally furious 🤬

— Alice Fearn (@alice_fearn) April 7, 2023

And THIS is why singing along (unless specified to) is not a narrative we should be condoning!

@thismorning and those presenters should be apologising. It has ruined a good night at theatre for all these people. I say again… STUPID #TheatreEtiquette

— Alice Fearn (@alice_fearn) April 8, 2023

Many others echoed Alice’s thoughts on social media...

Sit down, shut up and watch the show. It’s theatre. Basic manners and etiquette…..why is this even a question?

— TheVivienne (@THEVIVIENNEUK) April 9, 2023

Oh no @AlisonHammond not this! So disrespectful to the training and dedication that goes into singing and acting a show 8 times a week, let alone to the person sat next to you that has paid to see that trained and dedicated person. Please think before you speak. 🙈#itsnotkaraoke

— Zizi Strallen (@ZiziStrallen) April 8, 2023

2nd tweet goes to @VanessaOnAir. Please please please do not eat or sing loudly over someone trying to do their job. The amount of training and discipline that goes into singing 8 shows a week is something that deserves respect. Go to karaoke if you want to sing along.

— Zizi Strallen (@ZiziStrallen) April 8, 2023

Also, most members of the audience have paid good money to hear the professional cast sing the songs, not hear you wailing along and making up the lyrics. If you want to do that, go to a karaoke or stay at home and sing along to the film.

— Giles Taylor 💙 (@Gileygoose) April 8, 2023

ABSOLUTELY! Don’t belittle the performers by thinking you are anywhere near their level of professionalism and don’t disrespect the other audience members who have paid to see the performers sing, not the audience. Have some class!

— Gavin Whichello (@GavinWhichello) April 8, 2023

I 100% agree with you. When I go to the theatre, I go because I want to see and hear the trained, professional performers. I don’t pay good money for a ticket to have it ruined by fellow theatre goers singing along or talking in loud voices.

— Lisathebooklover18 📚💙 (@lisalovesbooks6) April 8, 2023

Absolutely. So presumably @AlisonHammond would enjoy sitting through a play while the person next to her speaks the lines out loud. What happened to basic courtesy to performers and other audience members?

— David Jones (@jonesy427) April 8, 2023

This Morning had no comment to make when contacted by HuffPost UK.

The two leads in the Manchester production of The Bodyguard musical apologised to fans after Friday’s performance of the show was forced to end early.

I’m new to the world of theatre. But sad and disappointed tonight at the state of some peoples arrogance and disrespect while at a show.

Completely ruined #TheBodyguard, singing over the actors, to the point of them cancelling the show & police being called 🤦♂️😢 #Manchester

— Karl Bradley (@KarlBradley_1) April 7, 2023

Former Pussycat Dolls member Melody Thornton, who plays the lead role, spoke out after the last 10 minutes of the musical at the Palace Theatre was cut after some members of the audience refused to remain seated and refrain from loudly singing.

Speaking in a video posted to her Instagram story on Friday evening, Melody said: “I respect that you paid your money and I am so grateful to everyone who respects the people on stage who want to give you a beautiful show. For everything that happened tonight, I don’t have all of the details, I just am very, very sorry that we couldn’t finish the show. I fought really hard. It feels awful, and I just hope that we see you again.”

Theatre pulled the show at the end tonight because of disgusting behaviour. We wanted to carry on but it had become a major incident. I’m really sorry to what was 99.9% a brilliant audience that a few badly behaved individuals ruined it.

— Ayden Callaghan (@AydenCallaghan) April 7, 2023

Her co-star, former Emmerdale and Hollyoaks actor Ayden Callaghan, tweeted that a “few badly behaved individuals ruined it”.

He said there had been “disgusting behaviour” and though the cast “wanted to carry on”, they were unable to because “it had become a major incident”.

He added that he was “really sorry to what was 99.9% a brilliant audience”.


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