Amanda Holden Tackled By A Dog During Animal Hero Awards


Amanda Holden has never been shy about expressing her love of dogs, but she may have got more than she bargained for as she got up close and personal with one very energetic labrador at the Animal Hero Awards on Wednesday (7 September).

Now, we all know that celebrities can get a bit OTT when it comes to awards show victories, and it appears the same is true of dogs, as revealed by Baxter, who was named Hero Animal Of The Year for saving the life of his six-year-old owner.

As he accepted his award, the pooch was seen slobbering over Amanda, the host, who didn’t look like she minded one bit… until, that is, she began to lose control of the situation.

So far, so not-embarrassing, right?
So far, so not-embarrassing, right?

Baxter quickly pulled Amanda to the floor, all while still licking her, and when she tried to clamber up again, the dog tried to climb on top of her.

She's down
She's down

Fortunately, before things took any more of an unfortunate turn, she was able to climb out from under him. Just as well there weren’t any cameras there to capture the embarrassing moment - right, Mandy?

Someone get her a rolled-up newspaper, quick!
Someone get her a rolled-up newspaper, quick!


The footage was shown during Richard Arnold’s showbiz section in Thursday’s (7 September) ‘Good Morning Britain’, with the presenter remarking that Amanda had been “on great form” on the night.

Other awards dished out on the night included Animal Enthusiast Of The Year, RSPCA Superstar and Outstanding Contribution, which went to Paul O’Grady for his show, ‘For The Love Of Dogs’.

As far as we’re aware, though, none of the other winners tackled Amanda to the floor...

‘Good Morning Britain’ airs weekdays from 6am on ITV.

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