Amazon Hijacked The Bernie Sanders' Inauguration Meme For An Advert. It Did Not Go Well

Bernie Sanders isn't exactly known for his love of the company.

Amazon helped itself Friday to the trending photo of a bundled-up senator Bernie Sanders at Joe Biden’s presidential inauguration to sell Amazon Pay – and people were horrified.

The backlash was so immediate that the company deleted the tweet by the end of the day.

The Amazon Pay Twitter account tried to profit from the buzz around the meme of the mittened Sanders sitting by himself in the chilly outdoors at the inauguration Wednesday. In the odd Amazon advert, “How to register for Amazon Pay” is written over the image of Sanders with the tweet: “It’s that easy. Thanks #BernieSandersMittens.”

Not only was the ad confusing, weird and presumptuous, but the choice to use Sanders was particularly fraught because the senator hates Amazon’s labour policies.

In fact, he bashed Amazon in a tweet – on Inauguration Day – for trying to stonewall workers’ efforts to unionise. So he hardly seems like a natural pitchman to boost Amazon’s profits even higher.

Sanders has also criticised Amazon’s Jeff Bezos for hazardous working conditions, whistleblower firings and all-around “corporate greed.”

Amazon, incidentally, paid no federal taxes in the US 2018 or 2019.

Bernie Sanders meme hijacked for Amazon Pay ad.
Bernie Sanders meme hijacked for Amazon Pay ad.
Screen Shot/Twitter/Amazon Pay

Amazon doesn’t want its workers to form a union because unionized workers have:
- higher wages
- better benefits
- more control over their lives

If Amazon workers in Alabama vote to form a union, that will benefit every worker in America.

— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) January 21, 2021

Jeff Bezos, the wealthiest man alive, became $83 billion richer over the past 9 months while Amazon made record profits. Meanwhile, Amazon workers are risking their lives to fill holiday orders and are denied paid sick leave and hazard pay. This ugly corporate greed must end.

— Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) December 22, 2020

In late December Amazon itself lashed out at Sanders’ criticism of its labour policies and working conditions, so it’s not completely clueless about where the senator stands. Some observers speculated that Amazon was mocking Sanders with the ad.

As of Friday night, Sanders hadn’t directly commented on Amazon’s appropriation of his image to sell its stuff. So his supporters sounded off for him – and let the company have it.

As someone that has lots of bad ideas, I can honestly say this was a really bad idea.

— Wil Kristin (@wilkristin) January 22, 2021

Nationalize Amazon

— dj sacrilicious (@djsacrilicious) January 22, 2021

So @amazonpay deleted this tweet b/c people remembered that Amazon doesn’t pay federal taxes, doesn’t pay a living wage, & doesn’t allow unions.

Hey @Amazon—maybe spend less time using Bernie memes & more time applying Bernie policy & pay your employees.

— Qasim Rashid, Esq. (@QasimRashid) January 23, 2021

You now owe your workers a union, thank you

— All Cats Are Beautiful🌹 (@marxistplanner) January 22, 2021

sit the fuck down you monopolistic drain on the American dream

— Blue Pup (@SeaBluePup) January 22, 2021

Amazon using Bernie's image for marketing reminds me of when Trump held up a Bible while he ordered human rts activists clobbered and gassed.

— Aimee Sukol 👓 (@SukolVentures) January 22, 2021

this is a bad meme and you are a worse company. let workers unionize.

— ajay (@ajay_pdx) January 22, 2021

Amazon: Pay is right

— OLM (@TooSphexy) January 22, 2021

shut the fuck up

— Laura Lou (@explauratory) January 22, 2021

I want a live shot of @SenSanders face when a staffer tells him he’s being used to promote Amazon pay.

— Tara Golshan (@taragolshan) January 22, 2021

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