Christmas has come early for emoji lovers, as Apple has released a whole new batch of the expressive symbols with their iOS 10.2 update.
Many of us have become become reliant on these symbols to maintain 90% of our relationships so an additional 72 are welcomed with open arms.

Not only do they include nods to 2016 - a gorilla emoji, a really creepy clown, and finally a bloody avocado - there are also some that allow us to express our most frequently-felt-emotions, namely the facepalm and the black heart.
We always felt there was a gaping hole where we needed to say “I-love-you-but-I-also-hate-the-world” and the introduction of the black heart means we are now free to embrace our icy hearts of stone.
Emojipedia says that the new symbol is: “A heart shaded completely black. May be used to express morbidity, sorrow, or a form of dark humor.”
But the internet just says, yes, yes, yes.