Apple Will Finally Fix The Most Frustrating Messaging Autocorrect – About Ducking Time Too

Nothing can censor your sweary texts now.
Apple is finally going to make it possible to write "fuck" in a text, and not have it autocorrected to "duck"
Carlos Barquero via Getty Images
Apple is finally going to make it possible to write "fuck" in a text, and not have it autocorrected to "duck"

It’s actually happening – Apple is going to make it possible for you to actually type “fuck” in texts without being autocorrected.

Say goodbye to that infuriating system which just loved to sanitise your most emotional, expletive-laden texts – your phone isn’t going to be able to mock you by changing “fuck” into “duck” anymore.

Well – in a few months, anyway.

Apple’s software chief, Craig Federighi, announced the exciting change at the company’s annual Worldwide Developers Conference in Cupertino (among other big bits of news, I guess, like a new high-tech, futuristic VR headset).

He said: “In those moment where you just want to type a ducking word, well, the keyboard will learn it, too.”

The update is set to come out in the new iOS 17, where AI-powered autocorrect will learn to predict what its user regularly types out (yes, AI is is already everywhere).

The new system is expected to be available as a public beta in July but will available to everyone by September, so there’s a bit of ducking around to be had in the meantime.

If you can’t wait though, you could just turn off the autocorrect feature on phones though, although this would mean you were out in texting wilderness, with no typos at all being corrected.

Alternatively, you could create a shortcut in your phone settings so it recognises fuck as an actual word.

Or, you could leave it until the iOS update, and just enjoy the meme culture around the frustrating autocorrect instead.

— non aesthetic things (@PicturesFoIder) June 4, 2023