Thirty-five years after Archbishop Oscar Romero’s death at the hands of an assassin, his spirit lives on.
The archbishop boldly preached a message of social justice during El Salvador’s civil war until a single shot fired down the long aisle of his church brought an end to his life on March 24, 1980.
Romero will be beatified as a martyr by the Catholic Church on Saturday, which means he will be given the title of "blessed" and will be publicly venerated, or honored, by the local dioceses that were linked to his ministry.
The priest’s story was immortalized in the 1989 biopic “Romero.” There’s a statue of him at the west entrance of the Westminster Abbey in London. Numerous social justice organizations have taken on his name, from the Romero Institute in California, to the Christian Initiative Romero in Germany. The international Catholic charity organization, Caritas, chose Romero as its patron saint during its 20th General Assembly in Rome.
To celebrate his beatification, you can listen to the Panamanian musician Ruben Blades’ song “El Padre Antonio y su Monaguillo Andres,” which was inspired by Romero's story.
But the best way to celebrate is to take his mission to heart -- to renew your commitment to serve the poor, outcast and marginalized in your own communities.
Here are six quotes from this inspiring Catholic archbishop.
Image: Jose Cabezas via Getty / Quote: Christian Today
Image: AFP via Getty / Quote: Education For Justice
Image: Marvin Recinos via Getty / Quote: Huffington Post Blogger John Dear
Image: Marvin Recinos via Getty / Quote: Crux
Image: Marvin Recinos via Getty / Quote: National Catholic Reporter
Image: Marvin Recinos via Getty / Image: National Catholic Reporter