Armie Hammer Takes A Lot Of Heat For Slagging Off Celebrities’ Stan Lee Tributes

"No better way to commemorate an absolute legend than putting up a picture of yourself.”

Armie Hammer took a shot at celebrities who were commemorating Stan Lee’s death on social media on Monday, but his post did not go down well.

He tweeted: “So touched by all of the celebrities posting pictures of themselves with Stan Lee... no better way to commemorate an absolute legend than putting up a picture of yourself.”

So touched by all of the celebrities posting pictures of themselves with Stan Lee... no better way to commemorate an absolute legend than putting up a picture of yourself.

— Armie Hammer (@armiehammer) November 12, 2018

The ‘Call Me By Your Name’ actor’s tweet was posted on the afternoon that news of the Marvel co-creator’s death broke, and appeared to imply stars were using his death for self-promotion or attention.

However, he rapidly started to attract criticism from other Twitter users.

“They... worked with him...?” replied Business Insider tech correspondent Dave Smith, to which an unrepentant Armie rebutted: “Me.... too...?”

Others felt that Armie’s tweet was a misfire, with some saying posting pictures with the recently departed is a valid form of grief.

sis they’re remembering their experience with him, it is not that deep

— mol #teammanila (@cmptylove) November 12, 2018

Tweets like this aren’t going to make The Lone Ranger 2 happen, Armie.

— (((sᴄʀᴜ̈ᴇɢɢs))) 🇨🇦 (@scrueggs) November 12, 2018

Are you serious? Have you ever lost someone? I’ve lost plenty of family and I’ve posted pictures of them WITH ME remembering their life and how their life made me feel. Stop being ridiculous and turning a sentimental moment into something bad 🙄🙄🙄

— Lilly (@klphoen) November 13, 2018

Riiight! People post pics all of the time w/loved ones they’ve lost. Pics are special moments, frozen in time, they live on forever. Its a way to reminisce and if that’s how they choose to commemorate then so be it. This tweet actually did Stan a complete disservice smh

— “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn!” #RESPECT (@ChebieD) November 13, 2018

Maybe they’re just remembering how it felt to meet him with those photos. That’s how I would feel. I never got the chance.

— 🍂Dani S.🍁 (@Maddarilke) November 12, 2018

dude are u fucking alright, people are sharing the memories they had with this man, not making it all about themselves, for you to suggest something like this is ignorant and stupid. there is nothing wrong with how they have decided to celebrate this mans life

— Scarlet Speedster ⚡ (@Tiger61201) November 13, 2018

Stan’s death attracted global attention when it was announced that the comic book writer had died of pneumonia at 95.

Tributes came from Marvel stars and friends including Hugh Jackman, Ryan Reynolds, Angela Bassett, Seth Rogen and Jimmy Kimmel.

We’ve lost a creative genius. Stan Lee was a pioneering force in the superhero universe. I’m proud to have been a small part of his legacy and .... to have helped bring one of his characters to life. #StanLee #Wolverine

— Hugh Jackman (@RealHughJackman) November 12, 2018

Damn... RIP Stan. Thanks for everything.

— Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) November 12, 2018

Onward and upward to greater glory! Excelsior! Good man, Excelsior!

— Angela Bassett (@ImAngelaBassett) November 12, 2018

Thank you Stan Lee for making people who feel different realize they are special.

— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) November 12, 2018

At age 7, I drew this weird portrait of Stan Lee and asked my Mom to send it to him. Thankfully she didn't because 30+ years later, I got to give it to the great one in person. Thanks for all the fun Stan #Excelsior

— Jimmy Kimmel (@jimmykimmel) November 12, 2018

Stan was widely celebrated for inclusivity in his creations, including LGBT+ characters like Valkyrie, and the first black comic book characters in ‘Black Panther’.

As well as fans sharing tributes on social media, further criticisms have emerged as reports from earlier this year about allegations of sexual misconduct from his former massage therapist have resurfaced.


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