Asda Inadvertently Creates A Way To Troll Your Grammar-Obsessed Dad

Spot the rogue apostrophe.

If you’ve spent a lifetime getting flack from your dad over grammar and spelling, it’s time to get your own back.

Asda has inadvertently been selling a T-shirt with a blatant error on the front - and while it’s pretty awful for those who have bought it unknowingly, it could also be a brilliant way to troll your grammar-obsessed dad on Father’s Day.

The T-shirt reads: “Dad’s don’t do things by halves.” And if you haven’t yet spotted it, the apostrophe in “dad’s” should absolutely not be there.

How the hell does this make it as far as a printed t-shirt @asda without SOMEONE picking up on the basic error?? @AsdaServiceTeam @Georgeatasda

— Christopher Martin (@ChrisEdMartin) June 9, 2018

The error was noticed by multiple people, ‘Caribou58’ shared the photo on a Mumsnet forum and said they had noticed the top in “a number of branches this week”.

Christopher Martin from Basingstoke also spotted the T-shirt in his local store. “How the hell does this make it as far as a printed T-shirt without SOMEONE picking up on the basic error?” he tweeted.

Chris told HuffPost UK afterwards: ”[I’m] Disappointed that such a basic error could make it all the way from the initial design stage to a printed T-shirt in a large UK supermarket without anyone noticing. It must have got past so many stages in the process.”

An Asda spokesperson apologised for the error, telling The Sun: “We dropped the ball here, and not the apostrophe, which was a mistake.”

