Warning: This article contains images and a video of a medical nature.
The moment a baby was born slowly during a “gentle caesarean” has been captured on camera in a fascinating video.
Venezuelan doctor and obstetrician Jham Frank Lugo shared the footage on Instagram, explaining the baby was positioned feet down, so the woman was having a planned c-section.
The clip showed Lugo gently pulling the baby out limb by limb as the mother was able to watch.
“We can see the video of a respectful and careful birth, with obstetrical maneuvers and surveillance that guarantees the safety of the baby and the mother,” he wrote in the caption on 13 March.
The doctor pulled out the baby’s two legs first, then his two arms before locating the baby’s chin and pulling out the baby’s head.
During the natural caesarean, the mum was able to frequently look up and see her baby’s body coming out of her stomach.
The doctor explained in the caption that the mother was immediately with her baby after birth, listening to calming music chosen for the moment.
The dad and doula were also there throughout the whole process and there was a delayed clamping of the umbilical cord for bonding time.

A birth doula from Australia who saw the video shared it to her followers and said it was the first “truly gentle caesarean” she has seen.
“It made me weep to see the original caption (music playing, strong ties between doula and the family, so much support, mother quietly singing to her baby) and feel the connection between all involved,” she wrote.
“I wish this was available for everyone - please mamas, changes like this are entirely consumer-driven. Know better, ask for better, set a better standard for birthing people worldwide.
“Birth does not need to be clinical, rushed and full of rough handling... let’s make cesarean birth a special place because all birth deserves to be and feel beautiful for baby, mama and family too.”