An adorable one-year-old baby from Japan has made hair modelling look like child’s play.

Pantene Japan has recruited Baby Chanco — whose mum-managed Instagram account has more than 300,000 followers thanks to the viral power of her glorious mane — as the face of a new campaign.

The tiny wonder was featured alongside grey-haired Japanese TV announcer Sato Kondo in the company’s “#HairWeGo My Hair Moves Me Forward” campaign on 7 January.
Chanco also shows up in a short spot called “The Hairy Tale.”
And if the thought of a baby launching a professional modeling career makes you feel slightly inadequate about your own lot in life, just remember this little one already has lots of experience.
Because if her Instagram photos have anything to say about it, she truly knows how to werk the camera.
According to P&G Japan hair care associate brand director Yoshiaki Okura, Chanco, who turned one in December, didn’t have to do too much to snag the gig.
Alex Keith, the president of global hair care and beauty sector at P&G, just happened to find an article online featuring Chanco that said, “Get this kid a Pantene ad!” and the rest was history.
But Chanco has way more to offer than just a beautiful head of hair, according to the company. She’s also a budding role model.
“Chanco’s personality and special character matches our image for women we want to support,” Okura told HuffPost.
And for future hairstyles this fierce little face may sport, Okura is hoping for the possibility of something chic, saying:
“Maybe someday she will have blunt bang too,” he added.