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Getting started with a new fitness regime – or returning to working out after a bit of a break – can feel daunting.
You know you’ll need to carve time out of your busy schedule if you’re going to do it properly. You know the workouts themselves will feel super gruelling to begin with. And you know you’ll probably ache like hell afterwards.
But, you also know that if you achieve your goals, you’ll feel pleased as punch with yourself and it will all be worth it.
There’s no way to get around it: working out takes effort. But, there are steps you can take to make it all a bit easier – and even fun! I’ve recently started exercising, so I speak from experience here: treat yourself to a few bits of kit and you can turn staying active into a genuinely enjoyable affair.
To help you get more out of your new exercise routine and enjoy starting to move again, we’ve put together a list of buys to help spring you into action.