BBC Newsreader Joanna Gosling Caught On Her Phone During Live Broadcast

Coo-ee! You're live on BBC News.

With all that is going on in the world of current affairs at the moment, it's no wonder journalists need a bit of light relief - at least that's the only explanation we can think of as to why this BBC newsreader was caught on her phone during a live broadcast.

Presenter Joanna Gosling was seen slumped in her chair scrolling through her mobile, as the camera cut to her in the newsroom live on the BBC News channel on Monday (27 June).

While she clearly had no idea she was about to go on air, Joanna managed to style it out pretty well, quickly plonking her phone down on the desk and carrying on as if no one had seen.

The moment certainly amused the people of Twitter:

The way Joanna Gosling calmly put her phone down and went straight to reading the news.. Didn't flinch once πŸ‘ŒπŸΎ

β€” Nico Aaron Ugbaja (@NicoAaronUgbaja) June 27, 2016

do you understand how funny this is??? woman is scrolling on her phone on BBC NEWS I'm sooooo done 😭😭

β€” cara (@caraave) June 27, 2016

Anyone else catch the newsreader on her phone in the BBC News channel studio just then, realising she was live and due to read the headlines

β€” Andrew Wiseman (@aswiseman) June 27, 2016

Did anyone else just see Joanna Gosling checking her phone just now?

β€” Mr XBob (@MrXBob) June 27, 2016

Whoops Joanna Gosling!

β€” Christine Plummer (@ChristinePlumm) June 27, 2016

@BBCNews Haha! Your news reader at 12:30pm today was caught texting on her phone when she was supposed to deliver the news....BBC! Tsk :)

β€” Rudy's World (@InAweOfAutism) June 27, 2016

Does Joanna Gosling still have a job?

β€” gretchen (@delapops) June 28, 2016

Joanna later took to the site herself to reveal that a "technical hitch" had meant she was back on air sooner than expected.

She wrote:

Thanks for all your lovely comments about the blooper yesterday! Technical hitch meant I had no idea I was up next πŸ™‹

β€” Joanna Gosling (@BBCJoannaG) June 28, 2016

It's not the first time such an incident has happened on BBC News, as last year, Carole Walker was caught brushing her hair live on air.

You can check out even more BBC News fails in the gallery below...

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