Just like with any food out there, when we find a recipe we like we tend to stick to it. This isn't a bad thing. We like what we like. The only problem is, there are so many great recipes out there. Even when it comes to beets.
This garnet-hued winter vegetable is so sweet when cooked that we never feel the need to go beyond boiling (or roasting or smoking) them. But the beet's natural sweetness also means that they're a truly versatile ingredient, making them just as natural of an entree as for dessert. (That's right, you can make cake and even sorbet with those bulbous beets. And pasta. And hummus.) So, it might be time to try something new.
This winter, give beets a chance to show off their full glory -- try a new recipe. Or 30 of them. We've got some good ones for you below.