Ben Fogle's Suggestion We Should All Sing Happy Birthday To The Queen Sparks Some Very Colourful Reactions

Probably not the response he was expecting.

Over the last few weeks, there’s been some genuinely lovely moments of people coming together to support a good cause, like Clap For Carers and 99-year-old Captain Tom Moore’s NHS fundraiser reaching £12 million.

So wildlife presenter Ben Fogle probably thought he was on to something when he made a suggestion on Twitter on Thursday morning.

With the Queen’s birthday next week, he tried to rally people on Twitter to sing a collective Happy Birthday to Her Maj from their doorsteps and windows.

“Let’s throw her a surprise,” he wrote. “Let our song bring good cheers not just to Her Majesty but to the whole nation #singforthequeen.”

It’s the Queens birthday next Tuesday. Let’s throw her a surprise. At 9am 21st April, we are calling on the whole country to sing Happy Birthday from our windows and doorsteps. Let our song bring good cheer not just to Her Majesty but to the whole nation #singforthequeen

— Ben Fogle (@Benfogle) April 16, 2020

While well-meaning, Ben probably wasn’t expecting the response he got on social media.

Many noted how he hadn’t quite managed to read the room...

people are either furloughed or working double time mate, if you think we're rising early to sing happy birthday to some old rich woman, whose family are isolating in separate palaces while the rest of us can't afford the rent on our damp bedrooms, i don't know what to tell you

— Kate Flood (@KateFlood) April 16, 2020

In today's episode of 'Celebrities Not Reading The Room' we're joined by Ben Fogle.

— Jack (@Firth_lar) April 16, 2020

I think I'll pass on this, thanks. Our concern should be for the elderly people in care homes dying in large numbers, and those looking after them, not for an overprivileged woman hiding away in luxury with access to the best healthcare available.

— Matthew McGee ⴵ 🌍🇪🇺🇬🇧🎭🎞📚 (@McGeeMatthew) April 16, 2020

I have zero ill-will for the British queen - actually I respect her quite a bit - but I have NEVER and I mean NEVER had less interest, time, affection, mental space, personal regard or fucks to give about the royal family.

— Maria Farrell (@mariafarrell) April 16, 2020

People are dying, Ben.

— yt: keziah axelle (@kedouuuu) April 16, 2020

Some reactions were a little more colourful...

See you next Tuesday.

— David Baddiel (@Baddiel) April 16, 2020

Good grief. What's next? Tap dance for Churchill? Cry wank for Thatcher?

— Nooruddean (@BeardedGenius) April 16, 2020

This is a nice idea but I’m clapping for the PM at 0830, dancing for the Police at 9AM, jazz hands for the judiciary at 0930 and arm waving for the army at 10AM so no real time for this

— Disappointed Optimist (@disappoptimism) April 16, 2020

Am I the only person looking at the UK now and thinking, the whole country has gone completely fucking mad?

— Tom Scorza (@TomScorza) April 16, 2020

She's not going to shag you mate

— Joe Naan (@JoeWNaan) April 16, 2020

alternatively, it's my birthday tomorrow if you want to sing happy birthday for a queen who earns their own money

— Séancé (@MeltingSwans) April 16, 2020

I have been on this site for 11 years in September and can confidently say that this is the worst tweet I have ever seen

— sianny devito (@PrincessDisiana) April 16, 2020

She didnt wish me a happy birthday on facebook when it was mine.

So I'm out.

— Rees 'Speed Racer is a good movie' Finlay 🎭 (@reesytime) April 16, 2020

Others noticed a fundamental flaw in his plan...

Great idea Ben, but you've JUST TWEETED THE F*CKING SURPRISE

— ᔕᗩᗰ (@samcpr) April 16, 2020

surprise ruined. nice one mate queens cryin

— Richard Chambers (@newschambers) April 16, 2020

You've ruined the surprise well done.

— barney farmer (@barneyfarmer) April 16, 2020

There were suggestions of who else we could sing Happy Birthday to...

It's Iggy Pop's birthday next Tuesday. Let's throw him a surprise. At 9am 21st April, we are calling on the whole country to blast Lust For Life at full volume from our windows and doorsteps. #lustforiggypop

— Dai Lama (@WelshDalaiLama) April 16, 2020

I support this idea but only because April 21 is *my* birthday

— Josh Salisbury (@josh_salisbury) April 16, 2020

And a warning to those who did participate...

I am working the night before and if any of my neighbours do this I cannot be held responsible for my actions

— Ian Ford (@ij_ford) April 16, 2020

Imagine finding out that you live in a neighbourhood where people throw open their windows to sing Happy Birthday to the Queen at nine in the fucking morning.

— Hugh Brechin (@HughRBrechin) April 16, 2020

That will be a firm “no”, then. Sorry Ben.


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