20 Back To School Buys From Redbubble To Get Kids Excited For A New Term

Because who doesn't love a snazzy new pencil case, notebook or school bag for September?
These back to school buys from RedBubble will get September off to a flying start.
RedBubble / HuffPost
These back to school buys from RedBubble will get September off to a flying start.

We hope you love the products we recommend! All of them were independently selected by our editors. Just so you know, HuffPost UK may collect a share of sales or other compensation from the links on this page if you decide to shop from them. Oh, and FYI — prices are accurate and items in stock as of time of publication.

Presenting your child with a collection of shiny new stationery is one of the best parts of prepping for a new school year. It can really help to get kids excited about heading into the classroom after a summer of fun in the sun.

When looking for ‘back to school’ supplies, we like to divide our shopping list into two sections: the first is uniform and sensible shoes, which we often end up buying at the last minute. Dragging our heels? Who, us? Never Sir, honest.

Then there’s the second section. Oh, how we love that second section, because it contains all the fun bits like pencil cases, schoolbags, notebooks and stickers, which are just as much of a joy to browse for parents as for their kids.

Whether your child needs their own stationery at school or these goodies get used at the kitchen table for their homework, there are plenty of stand-out items designed by a whole range of independent artists available at Redbubble.

We’ve trawled through the site to bring you 20 of the best buys for inspiring young minds.

Let your little star know you want their true colours to shine with this bold pencil case
Stick this friendly frog on a water bottle or bag for good luck in spelling tests
Bring out your child’s sunny disposition with this colourful notepad
Your child can pick out faces that remind them of friends on this water bottle
Stock up on kawaii (a Japanese word that has come to mean ‘cute’) to seal your playground rep
This journal featuring a mythical student is perfect for keeping a schooldays diary
Why wait for the teacher to hand out reward stickers when these can be shared with friends?
Inspire your child to dream big with this space girl illustrated journal
Remind them they’re a king in your eyes with this notebook
Stick this bibliophile brontosaurus on your kid's bag in the hopes they'll make the most of the library.
This cheeky character’s expression is sure to make any mini cat lover smile
Prefer pooches? These sweatered sausage dogs are ready for the autumn term
Your busy bee will be able to carry all their supplies in this cute backpack
This monster’s love of books helped him find a friend and this pad could spark conversation too
If only cats had thumbs, we’re sure they’d be masters of science. Think outside the box with this pencil case
Dog lovers can labra-doodle to their heart’s content in this blank-paged journal
PE kit suddenly got a whole lot cooler with this stylish sports bag
It’s never too early to start teaching inclusiveness, so pin this badge to your kid's bag
For an after school treat, try this tee, which your child can slip into after school
Surprise your child by slipping this motivational card into their bag ahead of their first day