The 1 Piece Of Equipment A PT Can't Live Without

The expert called it "the single most valuable piece of equipment for achieving athletic performance."
A weight plate at a trainer's feet
Victor Freitas via Unsplash
A weight plate at a trainer's feet

We recently asked coffee experts how they’d perfect barista-level cuppas at home, without any fancy equipment.

After all, the endless gadgets and machinery pros use can hog space and drain your bank account ― the same can be said for gym equipment.

Most of us can’t pack a treadmill, an elliptical, a stair master, a full rack of weights, and a Smith machine into our homes, after all.

So, we thought we’d ask Sam Quinn, a personal training lead at Nuffield Health Devonshire, which one piece of gym kit he can’t go without.

If Sam had to pick, he’d go with an Olympic barbell

The fitness expert told HuffPost UK: “The Olympic barbell is the single most valuable piece of equipment for achieving athletic performance, fitness goals, and changing body composition.”

It’s suitable for beginners and pros alike, the personal trainer added, explaining that its versatility makes it a must-have.

The 20KG 7ft long Olympic barbell is used for resistance and strength training, building muscle, powerlifting and Olympic weightlifting,” Sam advised.

This enables the individual to have the ability to train whichever muscle group of the body they are looking to develop or improve all physical characteristics from strength, power or speed using only one piece of equipment.”

We’ve written before at HuffPost UK about how important resistance and strength training is, especially as we age.

Of course, everyone’s at different points in their strength training, and progressive overload is key for muscle growth.

So it’s a good thing “the bar is loaded with plates varying in weight for resistance training,” allowing each user to change the intensity according to their ability.

Though some machines dedicate themselves to one part of our anatomy, though, Sam told us that the barbell can be “used to develop all the various movement patterns of the body.”

What exercises can I do with an Olympic barbell?

“The Olympic bar is a versatile, robust and easy-to-use piece of equipment,” Sam told HuffPost UK.

“The exercises that can be performed with the Olympic barbell include clean and jerk, snatch, bench press, squat, deadlift, bent over row, overhead press, hip thrust, landmine presses, bicep curls and skull-crushers.”

That’s a lot of bulk for your buck...
