These Are The Most Ridiculous Questions Ever Asked In A Sex Education Class

‘Is penis size hereditary?’

Everyone knows that sex education lessons at school can leave a lot to be desired, meaning most of the time we’re hopelessly uninformed and in fits of uncontrollable laughter.

Now a Reddit thread has been asking about the best (read: hilarious) questions people ever asked or overheard, and unsurprisingly it has been inundated with responses.

Well we’ve all got to learn about the birds and the bees sometime...

1. “The teacher told us wearing two condoms is less effective because of the increased friction, and a top mind in my class asked: ‘If you go fast enough, could you start a fire?’”


2. “Teacher opened a box to let us anonymously ask embarrassing questions. Someone asked: ‘Is penis size hereditary?’ When she said no the kid who put it in, jumped up screaming: ‘Thank god!’ The look on our teacher’s face was priceless.”


Lumppini via Getty Images

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